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Girlfriend's First Game

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
Hi all! This weekend is a massive event for me. 'Big valentines plans' you may be thinking? Perhaps an important birthday? No. Far bigger than that; this weekend will be the first time in our 3 and a half year relationship that ive taken my girlfriend to The Valley.

She's not a huge football fan and throughout the past 3 years she has questioned my loyalty to a team that in her eyes 'always lose'. However recent events (mainly the homecoming of the big SCP) have left me boyant and optomistic for the first time in a while and on a drunken whim I decided it was time.

Now this could be a big moment if all goes well, ive recently been 'encouraging' her to watch games with me on the tv, and match of the day has even become a programme that she begrudgingly enjoys! So please all, for the sake of my pride, I need the boys to win on Saturday and the crowd (we'll be north lower behind the goal) to be bouncing and behind the team all the way.


  • You trying to break up with her?
  • poor girl, leave her at home.
  • Have to say been that if your g/f aint into Football, she may well not understand.

    Taken my gal once in five years ... she has no wish to go, but never questions me going.

    No problem
  • Women have no place in or at football ;)

    However, my missus came to the Norwich game last season when my lad was a mascot. She has no interest in football but loved the whole ocassion even though we lost. She was surprised at the noise of the crowd and wants to go again. Not sure if she just wanted to ogle men in shorts.

    Be careful she doesn't enjoy it too much as she may want to accompany you to every home game.
  • But does she understand the off-side rule?
  • take her into the NU toilets at half-time mate, usually pretty quiet in there.
  • One of our first dates was the 1999-2000 season 1-0 win at Palace, didn't speak to her all game! Afterwards spent ages phoning relatives to talk about the match. Have done Anfield, Plymouth and several Valley visits, and hope to do Bournemouth this season too.
    Couldn't have been so bad as we've been married nearly 9 years (maybe if it goes well for you Addicted you might end up married too!)
  • [cite]Posted By: Addicted[/cite]Hi all! This weekend is a massive event for me. 'Big valentines plans' you may be thinking? Perhaps an important birthday? No. Far bigger than that; this weekend will be the first time in our 3 and a half year relationship that ive taken my girlfriend to The Valley.

    She's not a huge football fan and throughout the past 3 years she has questioned my loyalty to a team that in her eyes 'always lose'. However recent events (mainly the homecoming of the big SCP) have left me boyant and optomistic for the first time in a while and on a drunken whim I decided it was time.

    Now this could be a big moment if all goes well, ive recently been 'encouraging' her to watch games with me on the tv, and match of the day has even become a programme that she begrudgingly enjoys! So please all, for the sake of my pride, I need the boys to win on Saturday and the crowd (we'll be north lower behind the goal) to be bouncing and behind the team all the way.

    Don't do it!

    I've also only taken my girlfriend to just the one football match in the five years we have been together. It was the friendly against Athletic Bilbao a few years back. She hated every minute of it! Payback time for having to watch all that crap on TV though!
  • My mate refuses to invite his new girl to a match. He says he doesn't want her to see him shouting and screaming abuse at the lino. And thats half the fun of a game!
  • I took my wife to the Exeter game at The Valley in the 80/81 season and we sat in the stand.

    Maybe, old romantic that I am, I'll suggest a 30 years on trip!
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  • Good that you're in the North Lower, but you have to think about why you are taking her. Doyou wantto show her what you do every Saturday; do you want to encourage her to join you; do you want to get her into football. If it is anything other than A you may have to think about how you act during the game and be prepared to change normal habits to encourage her.

    My significant other goes to football, bit always did and that's how we met. It took five years before we sat together at a game and eventualy both moved away from our old seats as we just couldn't enjoy the game from each others 'area'.
  • I've taken my missus to 2 games, and let her watch 3 on tv. We only won two of those so I won't be letting her again!
  • Took my ex to the 2-1 home defeat to Colchester on New Years Day a few years back when Lisbie scored twice. Took my current to the 3-1 defeat to Barnsley just before Pardew got sacked. Neither thanked me for it. Both of them took pleasure in making derisory comments about Charlton, the ex even nicknamed us "the losers" and used to ask me "how did the losers get on today?" every time I came home from a game. Well who's the loser now that the Largo Love has been taken away from you, eh?! Bitch!

    Anyway, hope it goes well for you on Saturday, Addickted. Personally, I will never ever permit a woman to accompany me to a game again unless it's my mum.
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]I took my wife to the Exeter game at The Valley in the 80/81 season and we sat in the stand.

    Maybe, old romantic that I am, I'll suggest a 30 years on trip!

    We did the same thing 30 years ago next month, we were getting married in May and knew we wern't going away for a honeymoon. So I suggested a night out with a bit of grub and drink or two and some entertainment, we ended up in The Covered end watched the game and into the Valley club afterwards.
    Mrs TCE reminded me last week and suggested it had better be different this year, so she can stay at home I go on my own. : )
  • Call me old fashioned but i have no idea why any bloke would suddenly want to take their bird (who isn't really interested in football) along to a game. Isn't football an excuse for a laugh and a beer with your mates and to get away from the missus?!
  • Is Bluewater closed?
  • Sorry to introduce another aspect, but have you considered the extra cost ? Also who will have your tea ready when you get home from the game ? I enjoy it when my Daughter comes with me, so I'm not being sexist. I just suspect that you haven't considered the possible consequences. Let her watch a few games on TV, and then give her a written test. Has she given you the money for the ticket yet ? Couldn't you have made it the Exeter game at £5 a ticket ? Hope I haven't offended anybody.
  • Took my girlfriend, now wife, to a Valley game in the early 80's, where there was unreserved seating in The Covered End.

    We moved seats at HT and some geezer told us to move, as we were in his seat. I pointed out that they were unreserved and wasn't moving (not gonna lose face, we hadn't been going out for long).

    He promptly sat on top of her & I removed him - it was a right kerfuffle .

    She's never been since, I don't know why :-)
  • [cite]Posted By: EastStand[/cite]My mate refuses to invite his new girl to a match. He says he doesn't want her to see him shouting and screaming abuse at the lino. And thats half the fun of a game!

    ...especially if the lino is a women... ;-)
  • My missus was up at 6am last week to go up to Stoke v Sunderland lunchtime k.o. Got a season ticket with her old man, go from Folkestone to Stoke every other week plus the London away games.

    Got it sorted really.
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  • Be careful mate- I took my gf to the Valley to sort of let her know how important Charlton are to me! She is now my wife and is a season ticket holder. If you are ok with that possibility, go ahead. If not, take her out for a meal after the match.
  • Thanks all for the encouragement and the standard CL banter. Ive tested her on the offside rule and she pretty much got it, dinner will be courtesy of pizza hut and she can drink with the best of them so cant see any issues there! Plus if we win I can pass it off as her valentines present, lucky girl. Im hoping she'll bring some luck cause the last mate I brought along to a few in an attempt to make him a Charlton fan we lost all 5 games... He's not allowed within 200 yards of The Valley now.

    Thanks for the heads up on the toilets ValleyGary, depends if we're winning I guess:)
  • [cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite]Call me old fashioned but i have no idea why any bloke would suddenly want to take their bird (who isn't really interested in football) along to a game. Isn't football an excuse for a laugh and a beer with your mates and to get away from the missus?!

    Not really a female thing. Why would anyone want to bother taking someone not interested n football, to a match.

    The excitement of a Charlton game is hardly going to convince them to return!
  • [cite]Posted By: DRF[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite]Call me old fashioned but i have no idea why any bloke would suddenly want to take their bird (who isn't really interested in football) along to a game. Isn't football an excuse for a laugh and a beer with your mates and to get away from the missus?!

    Not really a female thing. Why would anyone want to bother taking someone not interested n football, to a match.

    The excitement of a Charlton game is hardly going to convince them to return!

    What if we win 3-0? That'll be 1 more female Charlton fan, surely a good thing!
  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]My missus was up at 6am last week to go up to Stoke v Sunderland lunchtime k.o. Got a season ticket with her old man, go from Folkestone to Stoke every other week plus the London away games.

    Got it sorted really.

    I reckon she drops Stoke out and goes round ValleyGarys!
  • Took my girlfriend on and off for last 3 seasons, roughly 6 games a season and she has never seen us lose! Crazy! Probably been a few draws in there but not bad! Watching about 18 games of CAFC and not to witness a loss takes some going these days!
  • Dont worry im taking her Saturday so put your money on CAFC
  • [cite]Posted By: Plaaayer[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]My missus was up at 6am last week to go up to Stoke v Sunderland lunchtime k.o. Got a season ticket with her old man, go from Folkestone to Stoke every other week plus the London away games.

    Got it sorted really.

    I reckon she drops Stoke out and goes round ValleyGarys!

    She wouldn't do that to Trev.
  • I'm taking mine too, she quite enjoys it, despite seeing us lose to Swindon last time out, I'm trying to convert her and not let her go down the West Ham road like her dad is
  • Took my now wife a few times, years ago - Trust me on this one, If it is very cold. That is the only thing they will remember, win lose or draw.
    Good luck
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