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Next manager - Ben Garner confirmed (p256)



  • edited May 2022
    So no news then? The club is a joke, takes us weeks to get anything done. Last summer we went about a month without signing anyone during the window, and we wonder why we failed last season. 
  • My god this place is both tedious and depressing at time.

    Literally nobody knows what terms have been offered to any prospective manager (if any have), what restraints will be placed on that manager, what structure they'll work within.

    Yet the hand wringing and incessant bleating is endless, "nobody will come in under this system", "why haven't we got anybody in yet", and on and on and on.

    The season hasn't even finished yet! Only 2 clubs have appointed new managers so far, and I think we're all in agreement that one of those may have been a bit hasty. I'd far rather the club takes it's time finding the right appointment, and that the negotiations to get the right deal and system in place take whatever time is needed.

    It's like you're all desperate for the worst possible outcome just so you can justify your self flagellation.

    Clearly some people cannot forgive TS for firing Jackson.
  • paulfox said:
    shirty5 said:
    I’m not saying it’s inaccurate that Taylor will “inevitably “ have spoken to Jackson but I’m not convinced these statements are always true. I’m sure if MT really wanted to get hold of Jackson’s number he could but how much credence would you place on asking the person who’s just been sacked from the job you are considering ? I’m not saying JJ would have an axe to grind but it’s possible. It might be different if they were dear old chums but I doubt the two have spoken to each other for years. Always seems odd to me that these clichéd assumptions about asking advice on the job you want are rolled out every time.
     Well they played together for 2 seasons. If you was going for a job and you knew someone who used to work there would you not ask them?
    Or would you back yourself and trust in your own judgement , so if it tits you’ve only yourself to blame, or conversely pat yourself on the back🤷🏻‍♂️
    I would ask around and then get all the advice/conversations I needed and then decide from there. 
  • Would JJ slag off the Club that he loves and that has given him the opportunity afforded to so few to coach and then manage?
    Not convinced he would. I think he would give an honest answer which would be pretty good.
  • paulfox said:
    wmcf123 said:
    JamesSeed said:
    seth plum said:
    I am not sure what Martin Sandgaard does, or any detail at all as to why he is disparaged, although I am sure people will reasonably say others could do whatever MS is supposed to do much better, but beyond that what damage to good stuff balance is there?
    I certainly don’t know.
    However what does make sense to me is Thomas Sandgaard having somebody in location he can trust, and to be honest I don’t blame him.

    Appreciate your thoughts Seth but its not about trust it’s nepotism and it’s bonkers. Yes he can do what he likes it’s his money but it’s pure wrong for our football club.
    None of us really know though. I suspect it’s just a good fit for TS to have his son here, to keep an eye on things as Seth said. I doubt very much that Martin is throwing his weight around overruling people who have much more experience than he does, even if TS is bigging him up, saying he runs the show. Fwiw, the body language between him and Gallen seemed ok after the U18s match at the weekend. If Martin *is* being is nightmare then I’m sure we’ll hear about it one way or another. 
    There are two camps here - blind faith in Sandgaard or enormous sceptics.  One is based on evidence, one is based on hope.  
    To a greater or lesser extent the story of every ownership (discounting ESI2) over the last decade is the same - movement from optimism/goodwill to disappointment/ antagonism. The timescale and depth of disillusionment differed but the trajectory has been the same. I think that is more accurate than “two camps” - it is a dynamic and people move from one to the other position over time. The movement has been one way only.

    Perhaps it was ever thus. You can apply it to the Glikstens, Hulyer, Fryer and even the Murray-led administration although there was significant success mixed into those (over and above promotion from the third tier).

    I do not think the fans were responsible for what happened with the spivs/Duchatelet/ESI - the reality was that all of these owners were wankers, to use the technical term. The movement in opinion was thus inevitable as they got found out, on and off the pitch. None of those people were going to run the club successfully over time, however the fans reacted. All of them, incidentally, were overtly or covertly opposed by their own staff.

    It’s important both to learn from history and not to conclude that this dynamic is inevitable. But right now the trajectory is the same, whether people like it or not.
    The trouble is our fan base have been scarred from the wankers as you technically call them, has your stance changed on TS? As your tone of post regarding him seems to have changed or am I misinterpreting things( easily done) are we in danger of trying to find TS out as you say and eventually push the guy away  for what has been described as naive mistakes?. If the people with an agenda against him have concrete evidence that history is repeating then show the evidence so it can be acted upon, otherwise it could end in tears and open ourselves up to Thomas giving it bollox, and low and behold we’re asking the same questions of the new incumbent, eventually the doubters are going to have to accept what we have and not what they would want in a perfect world.
    I’m not sure who the people “who have an agenda” against TS are or what their “agenda” is, But I do recognise this as the way any criticism of the spivs, Duchatelet and ESI was dismissed. Until it  wasn’t. 
    This is what I find staggering in the blind optimism in the absence of tangible evidence to back up stated objectives etc.

    (Mandatory caveat that of course TS is nowhere near the same as the others, "he saved us" etc and it doesn't have to be binary in that respect)
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  • Heyo, Exeter fan here popping along to share some thoughts on Matt Taylor as there seems to be a lot of talk about him going to you. No idea if any of it is genuine or not and obviously hope he doesn't go, but that's the nature of football.

    He's clearly done some great stuff with a midtable budget this season. It's taken some time to get there though, you might need a little patience to get to where you want to be. Doesn't sound like your owners are in for that. We've had some dire results over the last 4 years and there was a vocal minority calling for him to be gone, particularly the end of last season.

    As far as tactics go, we've done really well with 5-3-2, which I read is what you've been playing and it not being an ideal fit. I wouldn't worry too much about that, we were forced into it by having a bunch of players best suited to wingback and no fullbacks or wingers.

    Developing academy players is something we're known for and I've seen people on here are keen on it. Obviously a lot of this is down to the academy itself, which was churning out gems before Taylor and will continue to do so after he's gone (hopefully!). He deserves credit for bringing them into the first team, but again that's been a longterm project requiring patience as they are gradually introduced. This close season he's been unusually ruthless culling them, with some real surprise releases. I guess that's either a good or bad thing depending on your point of view. 

    The big issue seems to be your owner's interference, which I think might be the thing that really gives Taylor pause. At Exeter he has pretty much complete control over everything. Unlike in the past we don't have an experienced director of football behind the scenes. I don't know if he'd be willing to work with an owner who is telling him how to play and who to sign.

    It's exactly how I see things & believe I've said as much.
  • paulfox said:
    wmcf123 said:
    JamesSeed said:
    seth plum said:
    I am not sure what Martin Sandgaard does, or any detail at all as to why he is disparaged, although I am sure people will reasonably say others could do whatever MS is supposed to do much better, but beyond that what damage to good stuff balance is there?
    I certainly don’t know.
    However what does make sense to me is Thomas Sandgaard having somebody in location he can trust, and to be honest I don’t blame him.

    Appreciate your thoughts Seth but its not about trust it’s nepotism and it’s bonkers. Yes he can do what he likes it’s his money but it’s pure wrong for our football club.
    None of us really know though. I suspect it’s just a good fit for TS to have his son here, to keep an eye on things as Seth said. I doubt very much that Martin is throwing his weight around overruling people who have much more experience than he does, even if TS is bigging him up, saying he runs the show. Fwiw, the body language between him and Gallen seemed ok after the U18s match at the weekend. If Martin *is* being is nightmare then I’m sure we’ll hear about it one way or another. 
    There are two camps here - blind faith in Sandgaard or enormous sceptics.  One is based on evidence, one is based on hope.  
    To a greater or lesser extent the story of every ownership (discounting ESI2) over the last decade is the same - movement from optimism/goodwill to disappointment/ antagonism. The timescale and depth of disillusionment differed but the trajectory has been the same. I think that is more accurate than “two camps” - it is a dynamic and people move from one to the other position over time. The movement has been one way only.

    Perhaps it was ever thus. You can apply it to the Glikstens, Hulyer, Fryer and even the Murray-led administration although there was significant success mixed into those (over and above promotion from the third tier).

    I do not think the fans were responsible for what happened with the spivs/Duchatelet/ESI - the reality was that all of these owners were wankers, to use the technical term. The movement in opinion was thus inevitable as they got found out, on and off the pitch. None of those people were going to run the club successfully over time, however the fans reacted. All of them, incidentally, were overtly or covertly opposed by their own staff.

    It’s important both to learn from history and not to conclude that this dynamic is inevitable. But right now the trajectory is the same, whether people like it or not.
    The trouble is our fan base have been scarred from the wankers as you technically call them, has your stance changed on TS? As your tone of post regarding him seems to have changed or am I misinterpreting things( easily done) are we in danger of trying to find TS out as you say and eventually push the guy away  for what has been described as naive mistakes?. If the people with an agenda against him have concrete evidence that history is repeating then show the evidence so it can be acted upon, otherwise it could end in tears and open ourselves up to Thomas giving it bollox, and low and behold we’re asking the same questions of the new incumbent, eventually the doubters are going to have to accept what we have and not what they would want in a perfect world.
    I’m not sure who the people “who have an agenda” against TS are or what their “agenda” is, But I do recognise this as the way any criticism of the spivs, Duchatelet and ESI was dismissed. Until it wasn’t. 
    So based upon the one part you’ve chosen to address, as I’ve said before a lot of what you say is listened to being that you do the Charlton fanzine and seem to be a bit more Itk, are you suggesting now that we should be comparing Thomas to the shitbags previously, as me being someone not itk would like to know. As for the agendas , It’s pretty clear there are people not in support of TS, naturally there will always be, They’re agenda would be to not have him owning the club I’m guessing,which really unless we start creating a  new dossier, he will be around for a while.but I’m pretty sure I didn’t really to explain that to you. We don’t need cryptic clues just facts is my point really. 
  • Meanwhile the people at that Charlton Athletic Museum, who must be in the know, posted this.

    A nod's as good as wink to a blind horse

    Ive wanted Beale all along and given the big delay I still think that would tie in with him wanting to end the season with Villa, 6/1 still available on him too
  • shirty5 said:
    paulfox said:
    shirty5 said:
    I’m not saying it’s inaccurate that Taylor will “inevitably “ have spoken to Jackson but I’m not convinced these statements are always true. I’m sure if MT really wanted to get hold of Jackson’s number he could but how much credence would you place on asking the person who’s just been sacked from the job you are considering ? I’m not saying JJ would have an axe to grind but it’s possible. It might be different if they were dear old chums but I doubt the two have spoken to each other for years. Always seems odd to me that these clichéd assumptions about asking advice on the job you want are rolled out every time.
     Well they played together for 2 seasons. If you was going for a job and you knew someone who used to work there would you not ask them?
    Or would you back yourself and trust in your own judgement , so if it tits you’ve only yourself to blame, or conversely pat yourself on the back🤷🏻‍♂️
    I would ask around and then get all the advice/conversations I needed and then decide from there. 
    It's the only sensible thing to do.
  • edited May 2022
    It's like a switch has been flicked. Sandgaard good. Sandgaard good. SANDGAARD BAD! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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  • My god this place is both tedious and depressing at times.

    Literally nobody knows what terms have been offered to any prospective manager (if any have), what restraints will be placed on that manager, what structure they'll work within.

    Yet the hand wringing and incessant bleating is endless, "nobody will come in under this system", "why haven't we got anybody in yet", and on and on and on.

    The season hasn't even finished yet! Only 2 clubs have appointed new managers so far, and I think we're all in agreement that one of those may have been a bit hasty. I'd far rather the club takes it's time finding the right appointment, and that the negotiations to get the right deal and system in place take whatever time is needed.

    It's like you're all desperate for the worst possible outcome just so you can justify your self flagellation.

     I'm sorry. But I can't keep giving these people the benefit of the doubt. I can only react to what I'm seeing and hearing. The blind faith part of my brain was scorched some years ago.

    We are by far in a worse position now than we were 12 months ago. 
    And I say that in terms of building a successful side and pushing forward.
    You'll remember that Adkins was appointed after a diligent interviewing stage and he at least had the luxury of a few months before the pivotal summer period to get established and decide what he wanted and didn't want. He was then subsequently let down badly during that period for reasons only known by this ownership.

    Now fast forward 12 months. A team of people who on the whole still know very little about football are tasked with trying to find a manager.
    When they've managed to do that, they will then be faced with the equally monumental task of finding players to fit into the new managers ethos. ( If he or she are allowed to have their own one?)

    So to wrap up, the stage was set much fairer last summer than it is this. Quite why anyone would think the outcome will be rosier is beyond me?
    Carly Burn you have summed this up perfectly. We should judge on what we’ve seen evidence wise. Maybe we will find the next Eddie Howe but from the evidence so far it’s not to be expected. Neither depressed or anxious by this just being realistic.
  • Please tell me it could not happen.Martin Sandgaard Mananger Jason Euell Head Coach ?
  • edited May 2022
    Leuth said:
    As Leo Tolstoy who managed Arsenal (Tula, not Woolwich) and did some writing in his spare time almost said:

    All good owners are alike, but every bad owner is bad in their own way 

    So fans can criticise TS and IMHO there are a number of valid reasons and other concerns at present (and some nonsense too) but he isn't ESI 1 or 2, Roland, the Spivs, Murray, Hulyer or the Glikstens.  He is a different person in a different time.

    So comparisons, which are inevitable, are unhelpful.   

    He doesn't have to be as bad as Roland to be bad.

    And not being as bad as the Spivs, Roland, or ESI (which I don't think he is) doesn't put him beyond criticism either.

    Not going to rehash yet again what mistakes he has or hasn't made.

    I expect everyone, especially me, to make mistakes.

    It is how people react and learn from those mistakes that is telling.

    That's why this managerial appointment and the summer's recruitment will be, IMHO, the key indicator for TS.

    We don't know the internal timetable for the managerial appointment so we don't know if it is ahead of, on or behind schedule.

    We do know that no has been announced on the OS. Yet.
    This cast-iron delineation between 'good owners' and 'bad owners' is the sort of bullshit that our fans have gone insane swallowing. We've ended up in the situation where the only 'acceptable' owner has limitless cash, limitless patience, gives the manager limitless control, and probably does limitless damage in their day-job of human-rights-abusing oil potentate. Football is fucked and we don't know we're born. Sandgaard is fine. He cares. He'll very easily do. 
    Not if we continue to drop down the leagues he won't. Or even fail to get promoted.

    He doesn't have oligarch unlimited funds and no way would he hang around throwing £8m a year of his families' finite inheritance into the bottomless money pit of league one perpetually and no one could expect him to.

    Particularly when the fanbase expects us to be challenging to play at a higher level.

    If we were AFC Wimbledon or Burton then plodding along in yhis league with low expectations and mirrored lower expenditure I think it would be sustainable.

    But we're not and both fans and owner know that and will want to get to the championship asap where both fans and owner would likely be far more comfortable in staying in that league for the foreseeable.

  • My god this place is both tedious and depressing at times.

    Literally nobody knows what terms have been offered to any prospective manager (if any have), what restraints will be placed on that manager, what structure they'll work within.

    Yet the hand wringing and incessant bleating is endless, "nobody will come in under this system", "why haven't we got anybody in yet", and on and on and on.

    It's like you're all desperate for the worst possible outcome just so you can justify your self flagellation.

    RedRobin said:
    So no news then? The club is a joke, takes us weeks to get anything done. Last summer we went about a month without signing anyone during the window, and we wonder why we failed last season. 
    If anyone who has got a lot of posts to catch up on, please just read the above then get on with your day. 
  • Leuth said:
    As Leo Tolstoy who managed Arsenal (Tula, not Woolwich) and did some writing in his spare time almost said:

    All good owners are alike, but every bad owner is bad in their own way 

    So fans can criticise TS and IMHO there are a number of valid reasons and other concerns at present (and some nonsense too) but he isn't ESI 1 or 2, Roland, the Spivs, Murray, Hulyer or the Glikstens.  He is a different person in a different time.

    So comparisons, which are inevitable, are unhelpful.   

    He doesn't have to be as bad as Roland to be bad.

    And not being as bad as the Spivs, Roland, or ESI (which I don't think he is) doesn't put him beyond criticism either.

    Not going to rehash yet again what mistakes he has or hasn't made.

    I expect everyone, especially me, to make mistakes.

    It is how people react and learn from those mistakes that is telling.

    That's why this managerial appointment and the summer's recruitment will be, IMHO, the key indicator for TS.

    We don't know the internal timetable for the managerial appointment so we don't know if it is ahead of, on or behind schedule.

    We do know that no has been announced on the OS. Yet.
    This cast-iron delineation between 'good owners' and 'bad owners' is the sort of bullshit that our fans have gone insane swallowing. We've ended up in the situation where the only 'acceptable' owner has limitless cash, limitless patience, gives the manager limitless control, and probably does limitless damage in their day-job of human-rights-abusing oil potentate. Football is fucked and we don't know we're born. Sandgaard is fine. He cares. He'll very easily do. 
    Not if we continue to drop down the leagues he won't. Or even fail to get promoted.

    He doesn't have oligarch unlimited funds and no way would he hang around throwing £8m a year of his families finite inheritance into the bottomless money pit of league one perpetually and no one could expect him to.

    Particularly when the fanbase expects us to be challenging to play at a higher level.

    If we were AFC Wimbledon or Burton then plodding along in yhis league with low expectations and mirrored lower expenditure I think it would be sustainable.

    But we're not and both fans and owner know that and will want to get to the championship asap where both fans and owner would likely be far more comfortable in staying in that league for the foreseeable.

    But don't you see how your logic, which is sound, would surely mean he cares a LOT that we get promoted? And that would square with my own observations. Nothing he's done indicates contentment with League One
  • Neil Lennon odds have shortened, Matt Taylor has drifted but still favourite, Beale has drifted out too.
  • Is it to much to expect the club to give us a statement ?
  • Please tell me it could not happen.Martin Sandgaard Mananger Jason Euell Head Coach ?
    It can't happen

    MS doesn't have any coaching badges which are now a requirement for managerial roles in the EFL and EPL.
  • Please tell me it could not happen.Martin Sandgaard Mananger Jason Euell Head Coach ?
    It can't happen

    MS doesn't have any coaching badges which are now a requirement for managerial roles in the EFL and EPL.
    It could of sorts, he could create a new position.. So you could have first team coaches that do the training field stuff... Then Director of Selection, who would pick the team..

    Let's hope TS doesn't read this forum... ha-ha
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Roland Out Forever!