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Upcoming Video Games thread



  • Picked up Shadow Of War last night for the PS4, played about 30 minutes.

    Plan to give it a couple of hours tonight. Looks quality and has the great game play of the last with improvements, bigger map, better story (apparently).

    There are a lot of negative reviews based around the mircotransactions on single player, its all unfounded. You don't need to get your wallet out and can play and earn points to spend the hard way.

    Looking forward to Mario on the Switch this month. Still think Zelda is up there this year.
  • DRAddick said:

    After building myself a decent PC I've just purchased an Oculus Rift. Wasn't impressed when I looked at it a few years ago, but it's come on leaps and bounds since then.
    Got myself Star Trek:Bridge crew to play online with mates soon, should be a laugh. Also "obduction", from the creators of Myst and Riven to those gamers like me of a certain era, is looking amazing.

    What spec did you go with DRA, I am thinking about building a PC for my Flight Simulator as apposed to buying one.
  • Still can't believe they haven't released or even begun to make as I am led understand a new Fight Night. I know they have (EA) been concentrating on Poofc but there has to be a massive boxing market still. The last fight night was so good although I did have to trade it in due to RSI in both thumb joints!
  • Anyone else hyped for red dead redemption 2? First game is the best game I’ve ever played. Still put it up from time to time.
  • What spec did you go with DRA, I am thinking about building a PC for my Flight Simulator as apposed to buying one.
    I'm currently running a Ryzen 5 1600 and a GTX 1080. To be honest it's over kill for what I use it for now but will run games and vr at high spec for a long while yet. I've also used an RX 580 and that runs everything at high specs just fine. I just have the money available and don't plan on having to upgrade for a good few years especially if i decode to get a bigger definition monitor. I'm using a 34" ultrawide @1080p and happy with that but if I upgrade in the near future I don't have to worry about getting a better gpu.
  • Anyone else hyped for red dead redemption 2? First game is the best game I’ve ever played. Still put it up from time to time.

    Absolutely talk about replayability. another is The Last of Us 2
  • robroy said:

    Picked up Shadow Of War last night for the PS4, played about 30 minutes.

    Plan to give it a couple of hours tonight. Looks quality and has the great game play of the last with improvements, bigger map, better story (apparently).

    There are a lot of negative reviews based around the mircotransactions on single player, its all unfounded. You don't need to get your wallet out and can play and earn points to spend the hard way.

    Looking forward to Mario on the Switch this month. Still think Zelda is up there this year.

    I loved Shadows of Morder but won't be getting the new one unless in a huge sale in the future. I'm not gonna support the shitty business practice of designing a game to be an excessive grind in order to try and make people pay more money. Yes you can grind it out but that effects the immersion in the game and the story. Plus hiding the main/real ending behind an even longer grind which you have to complete, or of course simply buy loot boxes, is taking the piss even more. Shame, because it looks like a good game but I have my moral compass with games which includes not supporting a crappy practice, especially by Warner Brothers, one of the most anti consumer games companies out there.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Absolutely talk about replayability. another is The Last of Us 2
    My only concern is they massively overlook great single player (which has been rockstar’s signature) for multiplayer that they now know they can make an absolute bomb on. Iirc they cancelled a couple of gta 5 single player dlc because they wouldn’t make as much money as working on new gadgets you can get from microtransactions on multiplayer
  • Anyone else hyped for red dead redemption 2? First game is the best game I’ve ever played. Still put it up from time to time.

    Opened this thread to post this. GTA are my favourites especially GTA 4 but loved red dead redemption and can't wait for the next one.
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  • edited October 2017
  • DRAddick said:

    I'm currently running a Ryzen 5 1600 and a GTX 1080. To be honest it's over kill for what I use it for now but will run games and vr at high spec for a long while yet. I've also used an RX 580 and that runs everything at high specs just fine. I just have the money available and don't plan on having to upgrade for a good few years especially if i decode to get a bigger definition monitor. I'm using a 34" ultrawide @1080p and happy with that but if I upgrade in the near future I don't have to worry about getting a better gpu.
    Nice rig, sounds like you know what you are doing as well.
  • RDR 2
    TLOU 2
    GT Sport
    AC Origins
  • snes mini arrived yesterday, no complaints so far
  • Pre ordered South Park, The Fractured but Whole.

    That's out soon, the first one was good fun so think it should be alright.

    Played through Knack 2 recently, nice little platform/puzzle number. 7.5/10.

    Started Pillars of Eternity after, only done a couple of hours so far but looks like it could be quite an epic.
  • Can’t wait for RDR2. Must’ve played through the last one three times now.

    re. Micro transactions and loot boxes - it’s about mindset for me. If you can ignore that side, and find a way to play the game without touching the payments, then it’s still worth playing. Shadow of War looks like that’s perfectly feasible.
  • Sitting here waiting for RDR2 to download... It's beautiful was at a colleague's desk earlier and they showed me some gameplay they capped yesterday.


    Dazz1er21 on Xbox if anyone fancies a game in future.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Sitting here waiting for RDR2 to download... It's beautiful was at a colleague's desk earlier and they showed me some gameplay they capped yesterday.


    Dazz1er21 on Xbox if anyone fancies a game in future.


    I’ve only got AC Odessy yesterday so will stave off buying RDR2 until after Christmas I reckon.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Sitting here waiting for RDR2 to download... It's beautiful was at a colleague's desk earlier and they showed me some gameplay they capped yesterday.


    Dazz1er21 on Xbox if anyone fancies a game in future.

    Let us know how it is yeah? I've been eying up that and FO76 (have some reservations about that one) but I just started a new project that is keeping me incredibly busy so I'm hesitant to get stuck into any game.
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  • AC Odessey, RDR2 And Fallout 76 along with Fifa 19 will keep me going for a while
  • The FO76 beta is this week isn't it?
    RDR has my jaw firmly dropped. I am 3 hours in and I am still exploring the very first introduction missions.

    Borrowed a projector from work for the weekend so playing on a massive screen!

  • edited October 2018
    Forgot to mention all gameplay I have chosen to play in first person so far barring a screen shot.
  • Just managed to drag myself off of Red Dead after god knows how many hours. There is so much to do and I feel like I’ve hardly scratched the surface.
  • Fair play Harry! Bit extreme for me that!

    I only got on at midnight so only 2 hours... If I had got on earlier it'd have easily been 5+ :lol:

    Such a fantastic game. Fortunately I have limited time to play this weekend.

    This game is going to last a year, I can feel it already!
  • About ten hours into RDR2. It’s amazing.
  • My copy is sitting at home waiting for me. I've got half term starting - wife will be at work, one daughter at Uni and the other on a school trip. Bliss.
  • When they said this game was long they meant it. I’ve had a few days off so have been playing a fair amount and thought I had a shot at finishing before I go back tomorrow. Only 57% of the way to finishing the main story, let alone the rest.
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