Enjoy the music threads on here as a lot of people know their stuff and have given some great recommendations, so here's another one: The Damned. Any fans? Best albums, lineups? Anyone seen them live?
Missed them last time around here but I have seen they're on their 40th anniversary now so I imagine there will be a lot of touring. I know the early punk stuff more than the gothic later phase but they've always looked like a great live act.
They were fantastic and by all accounts are still well worth seeing live. Might try and see where they're playing and go.
Best gig in recent times at The Marble Factory, Bristol - it was minus 4 degrees at the front as they started, but Dave crowd surfed and sang from all corners of the venue which warmed up the most enthusiastic crowd I've seen for a while, and we tend to go to 80 gigs a year and several festivals.
New album currently being recorded.
got tickets for all but 3 of the gigs in the New Year tour - current line up is pretty much the classic.
Do yourself a favour and get yourself a ticket - we'll usually be at the front Left Hand side of the stage with a Charlton flag just for stripey Sensible. Come and say hi!
Favourite albums were Machine Gun Etiquette
and the Black Album.
Excellent live when I saw them.
Legendary first album but all downhill after that. Still have the rare Stretcher Case single. The cream of the Stiff records era.
£25 on Ebay. I just checked. Was always led to believe it was worth loads!
Guitarist Ray (aka Captain Sensible), who grew up in Croydon, was wearing a Crystal Palace shirt.
Here they are playing 'Smash it up' and 'Happy talk'.
About the time Captain was No1 with Happy talk and they were selling out places like Hammersmith Odeon, they did 3 nights at the Marquee in Wardour Street. I got a ticket for one of then, without doubt one of the loudest, maddest, drunkest, sweatiest nights of my life. Priceless!