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  • Naproxen 
    Cod Liver Oil
    The Naproxen is for my Knees , i resist taking this for as long as possible until the pain is too much.
    The Statin for high choelesterol , doing shift work my diet is appaling , used to off weigh that with lots of cycling but now the Knees have gone i no longer cycle . 
     My Blood Pressure has always been good which is surprising as im a total stress head .    
  • I have a relative who was prescribed statins but after taking for a while was told they were affecting their kidneys and to stop them immediately. Have since heard this is common
  • JohnBoyUK said:
    For me...
    Blue ventolin/salbutamol pump for when asthma requires it
    Naproxen (anti-inflammatory) for my back when I need it (dehydrated discs L4, L5 & S1)
    Omeprazole (1 a day on the days I have to take Naproxen) to protect my stomach lining
    Fexofenadine (strong antihistamine) for hey fever (have to start taking around March time and then dont stop until end of September!)
    Smallest dose of Ramipril for my slightly elevated BP.

    I'm quite fortunate at 47 to be on so little.  I used to run and cycle a lot but injury put paid to that so I just walk a lot more instead now.

    I feel for you.  My brother has been bipolar for almost 20 years now.  It took him and the docs 10 years to work out what type and what balance of drugs would work best for him with the least amount of side effects.  He also suffers from chronic pain and fatigue.  Its probably the worse combination you could get because they say exercise is good for mental health but because of the pain and fatigue, he cant exercise and constantly feels like crap.  But the drugs they could give him for the pain and the fatigue effect his bipolar, so there's very little they can do.  Its a vicious circle and his quality of life really suffers.  

    Well, almost a year or so on, I've found that I've been taking Naproxen tablets twice a day for my back, even when I've had good days in a preventative kind of way.  Became a bit of a habit.

    Gave myself a talking to the other day and decided I'd drop the Naproxen and Omeprazole out completely as my back actually feels fine at the moment, thanks to bimonthly chiro sessions.  I've 4 days off them now and I feel like absolute sh*t.  My back feels absolutely fine but I feel knackered, no energy whatsoever, aches and pains everywhere, headaches....  Not sure how I got through my day in the office yesterday and called in to WFH this morning.  Forced myself out for my daily walk this morning but I literally could go back to bed right now.  Part of me feels like I'm coming down with something evil like covid but looking up Naproxen side-effects, I could be going through withdrawal.  Deary me.
  • I had similar when came off omeprazole a few years back. I think it's much more powerful that many people give it credit for. Had to taper off it over a few weeks if I recall correctly.
  • I had similar when came off omeprazole a few years back. I think it's much more powerful that many people give it credit for. Had to taper off it over a few weeks if I recall correctly.
    Agreed and the same.
    I find taking my other meds during a decent sized meal then drinking plenty afterwards i don't really need the omeprazole.
  • I’m on the same pain killing drugs as @JohnBoyUK and although I’m on just half my recommended dosage despite efforts to manage my pain by increasing to the maximum permitted by my surgeon I keep refusing. 
    I’d rather manage my pain threshold by limiting what I do than drown out the pains completely with tablets and possibly do damage elsewhere. 

  • I did my left knee interior medial ligament playing tennis 15 months ago. Since then I've probably played 40 club matches, but only by taking a naproxin tablet before each match. 

    Until recently I've been hobbling/limping badly. It is finally getting to the position where I am not in pain after match play, but I have to lean on something to get up off the floor, soft chair etc. 
  • Ain't no cure for Charlton.
  • Ain't no cure for Charlton.
    Sedatives help
  • Ain't no cure for Charlton.
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  • I took ramipril 10 mg for 18 years for blood pressure. Received a message from my surgery to do a blood test to see is it  still "safe" to use. I stopped tea, coffee, milk, cheese, bread, rice and all processed food (tinned and plastic wrapped). Drink only water. After 7 weeks of no medication and little exercise;   blood pressure varies from 114/78 to lower. Possible other factor - retirement. My anecdotal view is diet was significant in my case. Do your research.

  • I did my left knee interior medial ligament playing tennis 15 months ago. Since then I've probably played 40 club matches, but only by taking a naproxin tablet before each match. 

    Until recently I've been hobbling/limping badly. It is finally getting to the position where I am not in pain after match play, but I have to lean on something to get up off the floor, soft chair etc. 
    I have torn no fewer than three ligaments , one playing football (aged ten) and two skiing.
    All I can say is initially it’s a lengthy period of rest (normally in a plaster cast) and then slow but steady exercise to build things back into shape as best you can.
    I think taking a pain killer so you can mask the pain for sporting purposes is just about the worst thing you can possibly do……I say this with confidence and considerable experience over many years.
    To this day, my right knee medial still gives me problems from time to time.
    There is no easy way to repair a badly torn ligament sometimes they never fully heal.☹️
  • Glad to say that after a few days of feeling like utter crap, I seem to have come out of the other side and feel good again.
    Someone please remind me never to take Naproxen until I really need it.  Christ almighty, the last 4-5 days have been dreadful.
  • You’ve got me thinking @JohnBoyUK after surgery I was told naproxen wouldn’t be strong enough and was given another painkiller, although I didn’t take them for a day or two as the hospital administered anaesthetic and painkillers during surgery we’re doing their work. 
    What I did do was stop taking naproxen, three days after surgery I felt absolutely crap and blamed the new drugs I’d started that morning, could it have been a withdrawal of naproxen and not the new drugs?
    No sooner I reverted back to Naproxen I was fine again, other than the surgery pain. 
    Just a thought 🤷‍♂️
  • T_C_E said:
    You’ve got me thinking @JohnBoyUK after surgery I was told naproxen wouldn’t be strong enough and was given another painkiller, although I didn’t take them for a day or two as the hospital administered anaesthetic and painkillers during surgery we’re doing their work. 
    What I did do was stop taking naproxen, three days after surgery I felt absolutely crap and blamed the new drugs I’d started that morning, could it have been a withdrawal of naproxen and not the new drugs?
    No sooner I reverted back to Naproxen I was fine again, other than the surgery pain. 
    Just a thought 🤷‍♂️
    It was only when I was talking to a couple of friends last weekend about my back and that I was still on Naproxen they went off all alarming saying do you know how bad that stuff is for you that make me sit up, take notice and do something about it.  Apparently, there are massive side effects for coming off Omeprazole too, which I was ordered by the docs to take to protect my stomach from ulcers from taking the Naproxen but thankfully I haven't experienced those.  I'm lucky that I only felt dodgy for 4-5 days because it could have been a whole lot worse from reading up.
  • Omeprazole? I'm surprised  at that, I'm on that for life due to something called Barrett's Oesophagus. I just thought it stopped acid reflux.
  • Omeprazole? I'm surprised  at that, I'm on that for life due to something called Barrett's Oesophagus. I just thought it stopped acid reflux.
    It does but if you stop taking it suddenly (like I did), the stomach can react by producing a lot more acid than you usually would.  You're supposed to taper off it over 3-4 weeks or more then it does't happen.  
  • Picked up my repeat prescription meds on Friday. Yet again a few of the tablets are made by a different manufacturer so changed shape, size or colour. 
    Unfortunately my two main bipolar meds are now exactly the same size and shape but one is white and the other off white. After feeling awful yesterday I discovered I’d had 3 days of taking too much of one and for the same reason not enough of the other. So I am now working through symptoms for withdrawal which are pretty awful. I realise it’s entirely my fault but …….
  • edited July 2024
    Picked up my repeat prescription meds on Friday. Yet again a few of the tablets are made by a different manufacturer so changed shape, size or colour. 
    Unfortunately my two main bipolar meds are now exactly the same size and shape but one is white and the other off white. After feeling awful yesterday I discovered I’d had 3 days of taking too much of one and for the same reason not enough of the other. So I am now working through symptoms for withdrawal which are pretty awful. I realise it’s entirely my fault but …….
    Write Monday to Sunday on the box and tick them off so you know you're taking the correct tablet or get a dosette box.
  • Write Monday to Sunday on the box and tick them off so you know you're taking the correct tablet or get a dosette box.
    I was fine when one was a fuck off great diamond shape and the other a small round thing!
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  • Write Monday to Sunday on the box and tick them off so you know you're taking the correct tablet or get a dosette box.
    I have a pill wallet which has a small container for every day and each day is split into 4 sections, morning, afternoon, evening and night. So easy
  • I've been on Warfarin for over twenty years now, my veins have basically had enough of it, I'm in the lead up to an operation this year that will mean I no longer need it, and frankly I can't wait.
  • The following posts I'm replying to have been taken from the Barnsley PM thread.  

    JamesSeed said:
    I’d drink to that Large, but I’m not sure I’m supposed to. 
    Good luck with your treatment. 
    I’m thinking of upgrading my Fitbit watch to a smartwatch. 
    So glad you both got things diagnosed...and what a spookily similar story for you both.   

    I'm also on thinners, beta blockers, statins, etc.      I'd like to say I also do everything to keep it all in check, but I'd be lying..   Timely reminder though, and I'm sure there's a good percentage of us (majority?) thinking we're somewhat invincible.   Spoiler alert...we're not!  But life is for living, so a balance to be struck, imho.   But weighed on the side of taking care of myself.  

    I also now need to go away and look up the difference between a Fitbit and a smartwatch.   :#

    Every day's a school day!   
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