@Redmidland. Oh mate! Your bravery and cheerfulness with what you’re up against is magnificent. Best wishes with getting back on your feet today, and getting that odious catheter out. 🤞
Good Luck @Redmidland . I know from experience that it’s extremely tough post cancer operation and it’s very rare that things go absolutely smoothly. I was re admitted after both of my major ops but I kept the thought that I will get out of here and things will get better eventually and that kept me going along with wonderful support from my family . Despite still having a slow growing form of cancer I’ve been back to work full time for a year and I’m regularly at The Valley and I shall be there Sunday.
Oh FFS RM, you really are getting the shitty end of the stick at the moment. Hope the infections can get sorted out ASAP, and you'll be able to resume chemo.
update on my mum stent fitted successfully on Monday no bag needed to be fitted this morning had bloods done at the pine unit at darenth chemo starts Friday at 10.30
thoughts go out to everyone battling or involved with someone that is battling this awful disease.
Update for you all since my Feb 28.post. I sadly was unable to stand. We've tried since and, here I am 7 days later, still unable to stand and walking is out of the question. I had an op on my right knee last Sunday where infected fluid was removed and the knee flushed out. However whilst I can move both legs whilst lying down, neither leg will work when standing! The Dr's are completely bamboozled, I've had physios trying to help, and now rheumatoid team is being sent to me, yet no matter how mentally determined I am to move and walk.....I fucking can't!!!! I still have an extremely painful UTI where the strongest painkillers only just about take the edge off the pain. My last chemo session was Dec 16th, and I was winning, now all final chemo postponed until they've killed the infection(s) and I can walk again! I'm very down as the cancer is not being attacked and hasn't been for nearly two months, the frightening thing is losing the use of both my legs...I don't know if I'll ever walk again! At least our team is on a winning run and that is keeping me going, along with the tremendous support I have on here! Times are difficult and individual days are bad, but I'll never lose the Charlton faith -: Live, Love, Laugh and Be Happy xx #fxxkcancer ##DarkerTheShadowBrighterTheLight
I don't often comment on here because it feels like no words can really do justice to the emotions it stirs. But I am always staggered by the strength and resilience of those of you who are experiencing such awful health issues, and your loved ones who are also suffering. And reminded, yet again, that Charlton fans are a very special bunch. Sending good wishes to RM, in particular, with hopes that things take an upturn very soon.
So sorry to hear of this setback RM. Here’s a wish for you to get the strength back in your legs, and to get shot of the UTI. The team are doing their bit to keep your spirits up, which must be difficult. Power to you RM.
Quick update, I was able, with the help of a walking frame, to 'shuffle' round the outskirts of my bed. It's not far, but it's a start, yes it was very painful but I did it! Tomorrow is a new day and a new challenge, I've set myself the goal of walking unaided by my 70th birthday, which is 20 days today.
Well done Red, that's very encouraging after your morning bulletin. Stick at it and you'll soon be whizzing round that bed like one of Benny Hills nurses.
Great to have some positive news, @Redmidland Maybe only little steps, but very important ones to help keep you spirits up and your motivation going. Team Addicks are all cheering you on!
Best wishes also to all the others on this thread who are themselves fighting, or supporting others who are fighting, this rotten disease in its multiple forms.
Some good news. Just had the latest result from my 3 monthly CT scan and my tumour had reduced (£3.7cm to 3.2cm) despite not having any treatment . Well chuffed and unexpected not just from me but from my oncologist as well. My body is fighting it on it's own. I can look forward to my cruise with my wife in June now. Happy Days
Some good news. Just had the latest result from my 3 monthly CT scan and my tumour had reduced (£3.7cm to 3.2cm) despite not having any treatment . Well chuffed and unexpected not just from me but from my oncologist as well. My body is fighting it on it's own. I can look forward to my cruise with my wife in June now. Happy Days
Quick update, I was able, with the help of a walking frame, to 'shuffle' round the outskirts of my bed. It's not far, but it's a start, yes it was very painful but I did it! Tomorrow is a new day and a new challenge, I've set myself the goal of walking unaided by my 70th birthday, which is 20 days today.
You're as strong as an ox given all you have been through.
Such mixed news on this thread. Fantastic news, Beds. So glad you can enjoy that cruise now. Red Midland, I really hope you get some good news soon. It must be incredibly tough, I think you're very brave just coming on here and talking about it. Best wishes to All!
Sending all my love to you ♥️
Bih hug to all of you !!
Stay strong, dear friend x
stent fitted successfully on Monday no bag needed to be fitted
this morning had bloods done at the pine unit at darenth
chemo starts Friday at 10.30
thoughts go out to everyone battling or involved with someone that is battling this awful disease.
I still have an extremely painful UTI where the strongest painkillers only just about take the edge off the pain.
My last chemo session was Dec 16th, and I was winning, now all final chemo postponed until they've killed the infection(s) and I can walk again!
I'm very down as the cancer is not being attacked and hasn't been for nearly two months, the frightening thing is losing the use of both my legs...I don't know if I'll ever walk again!
At least our team is on a winning run and that is keeping me going, along with the tremendous support I have on here!
Times are difficult and individual days are bad, but I'll never lose the Charlton faith -:
Live, Love, Laugh and Be Happy xx
Sending bucketloads of goaty love to you ♥️
Power to you RM.
Tomorrow is a new day and a new challenge, I've set myself the goal of walking unaided by my 70th birthday, which is 20 days today.
Maybe only little steps, but very important ones to help keep you spirits up and your motivation going. Team Addicks are all cheering you on!
Best wishes also to all the others on this thread who are themselves fighting, or supporting others who are fighting, this rotten disease in its multiple forms.
Total respect.