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Somali Pirates



  • [cite]Posted By: charltonkeston[/cite]Sailing a boat in pirate infested waters is something I will never never do.
    I get sea sick on a wet lawn.

    Me neither, I come over all queasy on a water bed
  • [cite]Posted By: charltonkeston[/cite]Sailing a boat in pirate infested waters is something I will never never do.

    Ah-ha, Jim lad !!
    We've always had plenty of pirates down here in Cornwall, me loverrrrrr........ !!
  • [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite] It can indeed. About a year ago now I was stood on a tube train next to a clueless tourist who was about to get dipped. I (ahem) 'inserted' myself between her and the two Romanian gippos who were attempting the thieving - who then spent the distance between Green Park and Victoria trying to push me out the way without making it look obvious what they were doing. When we reached the station and the doors opened, they gave me a filthy look and I said 'unlucky fellas' as the woman got off... still completely unaware of what had almost happened.

    Respect, Leroy. Well done that man.
  • 101101
    edited November 2009
    Yep have to ask the question what were you doing there in the first place their funeral not the governments problem.
  • [cite]Posted By: Chaz Hill[/cite]
    Respect, Leroy. Well done that man.
    I reckon most people would have done the same. I've seen the same pair on two or three occasions since - including last week, which is what jogged my memory. Oxford Street is absolutely rife with them at this time of year
  • Without trying to get too deep some interesting parallels there Leroy. The Roma population (of Eastern Europe) and the Somalian pirates. Both no doubt feeling they are doing their bit to redress the imbalance between the rich and the poor! One man's scumbag is another man's etc etc :-)
  • edited November 2009
    so its ok for these scum to rob then ? just because they are poor ? millions of people are "poor" and they dont turn into scumbag robbers.

    redress the balance , was that page 8 in Sundays Morning Star.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]so its ok for these scum to rob then ? just because they are poor ? millions of people are "poor" and they dont turn into scumbag robbers.

    redress the balance , was that page 8 in Sundays Morning Star.

    Didn't say that at all mate :-)
  • Criminals are often just desperately poor. This is defo the case with these pirates.

    Funny how the government refuses to pay 5 mill ( a pittance ) for their release, yet is prepared to send in the Navy's guns and guided missiles at surely a much greater financial cost to smash the pirates out of the water.

    Guess its the principle tho...
  • [cite]Posted By: Fortune Costa Fish[/cite]Criminals are often just desperately poor. This is defo the case with these pirates.

    Funny how the government refuses to pay 5 mill ( a pittance ) for their release, yet is prepared to send in the Navy's guns and guided missiles at surely a much greater financial cost to smash the pirates out of the water.

    Guess its the principle tho...

    Yep y should the government pay for their mistake if they are stupid enough to be in Somalia in the first place then they dont need any help.
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  • I thought all the Somalian's were over here! :)
  • haha same here mate i think the majority are anyway :-)
  • Criminals are often just desperately poor. This is defo the case with these pirates.

    That's half the story. the other half is the complete breakdown in law and order in Somalia which means that there is nothing to prevent the pirates from kidnapping and extorting money. Although there's a risk factor I imagine that fishing has it's risks as well in that area and the rewards with kidnapping are much higher.
  • [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]Criminals are often just desperately poor. This is defo the case with these pirates.

    That's half the story. the other half is the complete breakdown in law and order in Somalia which means that there is nothing to prevent the pirates from kidnapping and extorting money. Although there's a risk factor I imagine that fishing has it's risks as well in that area and the rewards with kidnapping are much higher.

    Kidnapping fish is even more profitable........................................ evidently.
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    Kidnapping fish is even more profitable........................................ evidently.

    I thought Mark was back in South Africa !
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