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the liberal needs you...



  • ta ra
  • [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    I'm not after this season. Depending on where I am living next season I may change teams back to Liverpool.

    Besides, what has the door policy of the Liberal Club got to do with CAFC?

    Well they're very short of money you know and desperately need the bunce.............LOL!
  • The wife's grandad used to run it in the 70's. There where some photos with the players in big shirts drinking light and bitters. Not sure where the photos are now, will ask.
  • would be a real shame
  • notice on wall today,to close after the last home game of the season,all in the cons club then , as i can't stand the oak
  • untill that gets closed
  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]notice on wall today,to close after the last home game of the season,all in the cons club then , as i can't stand the oak

    All members asked to be at The Lib next Sunday (11th) to "discuss".
    Notice did not say anything is definate.
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: T.C.E[/cite]That website is shockingly shite...

    "This page was last updated on the 21st November 2009."

    Seriously, it's a sad day if the Lob is forced to shut its doors.

    My village football club playing in the South Western League, are disbanding their senior side after the final match of the season and withdrawing from that league altogether.

    Financially they're hanging on by the skin of their teeth, and all staff are now volunteers only.

    So many pubs and clubs in trouble.
  • Another sad loss to the area, be nowhere to have a beer in SE7 left in a couple of years... apart from bloody ASDA's
  • The Anti........?
  • Sponsored links:

  • Will be like going to Maine Road (but with less people), where everyone stood on street corners drinking cans due to the lack of pubs. Then again, SE7 will soon be a booze free zone under Boris I imagine.
  • Always go in the Lib after the game.

    Cheap beer and good quick bar service. Find it much friendlier than the Con Club.
  • EGM On Sunday 11th @ 11am in The Lib:
    Ref: Closure.
  • Will be a real shame when it closes, gonna have to have a serious think about where to move to pre-match. I have already put the feelers out re the anti, but I am afraid we'll get the usual answer.
  • I'd say the lib must get what, 200-300 people through the doors on a matchday - and they're pretty much regulars?

    They can't all fit into The Oak, they can't all fit into the Con club, they won't go to the ground.

    The Anti is the only option. Get Rick to sort it Ketters.
  • White Swan? new look and new ownership.
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]I'd say the lib must get what, 200-300 people through the doors on a matchday - and they're pretty much regulars?

    They can't all fit into The Oak, they can't all fit into the Con club, they won't go to the ground.

    The Anti is the only option. Get Rick to sort it Ketters.

    Quoting Rick is gonna get **** all done Westside, I'll speak to Rick's brother Mick & see what he says !
  • Election coming up. Could be Rick MP soon.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Election coming up. Could be Rick MP soon.

    Ketters will be proud ;-)
  • I pray for the day the anti becomes home supporter friendly.
  • Sponsored links:

  • stopped drinking in the Lib years ago, always go in the Cons now - not sure why so many don't like it, always thought it was o.k in there myself

    Been a member in the Newbridge since I was 18 but it's just that bit to far to walk to the ground. Shame the Valley pub has gone.
  • Again the White Swan has been done up... but suppose its too far for you lazy munsters to walk up.
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]Again the White Swan has been done up... but suppose its too far for you lazy munsters to walk up.

    What's it like Curb It? Not been in there since Swansea home game last season.
  • The swan seems to be making a point of being a 'home' pub with 2 massive cafc flags outside. Almost like sticking 2 fingers up at the bugle saying if you don't want the footie crowd then we will.
  • The numbers in The Con Club are down a bit nowadays...they'll comfortably accomodate the Lib crowd....don't forget they have that huge area downstairs as well.
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]The numbers in The Con Club are down a bit nowadays...they'll comfortably accomodate the Lib crowd....don't forget they have that huge area downstairs as well.

    good point, forgot about the hall downstairs, don't even think they open that bar anymore on a matchday. Really they should move the big screen that's in the top bar down there
  • People talk of the Anti

    It needs people power, less talk more action, choose a game were you will get little away support just say we are still in this league using Hartlepool as an example, people just walk in and drink, next game do the same, until the powers that be get the point.
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]Again the White Swan has been done up... but suppose its too far for you lazy munsters to walk up.

    That is a very steep hill from the station
  • [cite]Posted By: C.Walsh'sLoveChild[/cite]
    That is averysteep hill from the station

    There's a minicab firm by the station!
  • If you want the Anti then take the Anti. If they keep closing down home pubs soon we'll have no choice. The only reason it's hugely promoted as an 'away' pub is to make the policing easier. As has been said previously, if enough of you want it, it will work. Just don't talk about your plans openly on here. We are a family club and deserve to have a large enough venue to accomodate our own supporters. Sod the away support. Let them stay dry. No one cares about away support at other grounds!!!
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