For those who wish to re live CAFC Bourne's classic on Saturday morning, only 2 pints in this is what happened. We were on our second beer and sitting down having a chat, when a ramdom guy walked into the put, CAFC Bourne, says...."Salad, alright son," random bloke turns round with a very strange face on " Sorry" "It's me CAFC Bourne....Danny Dyer"...........Bloke says...." No mate, never seen you before in my life" absolute cracker jack, Bournes face was a real picture....followed by howls of laughter from all of us.......
That was the begining of the end for Bourne.
Ha Ha ha...I was going to put this one up aswell, but just to busy...
Lasdt year i said that "im in the mood for dancing" by the nolan sisters if one of my all time fave cheesy songs... he had never met me before but thought he had an idea of what i looked like and he sidled up to a lady in the Oak and whispered into her ear "im in the mood for dancing".
it just so happened that the woman was a mate of mine standing next to Sausage who thought it very funny... all i got was "i've just met one of your internet mates in the pub - you freaks".
Anyway nice to meet you all again and especially nice for you to remind me on various intervals throughout the day ;-)
Classic...I'm still giggling now....LOL
What with that, CharltonDan pissing down his leg and someone nearly getting circumcised by an oncoming train, a cracking away day....
Blame Dan.
I soooo needed to go myself.
Atleast they got it outside the train ;-)
I'd like to point out that if I hadn't retracted myself mid flow from the gap in the door we were using then we might have missed more of the game than we did as the driver was asking for us to close the door so we could get moving. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it ;-).
Suze you should have said. We'd have held the door open for you.............
people offered to hold the doors open for you as well!
haha that was quality!
Think I was the first and took bloody ages.........desperately needed.
I thank you,. !!
There was a collective "Oooooooooh" and crossing of legs from all the blokes when that happened.
Very amusing!!
Well thanks from me as well than.
(I was the last one to use it. When the driver asked for the door to be closed)
bog number 2?
a thank you from me in that case!