finally entering the home straight and I must say that going back to work next week will be hard, anyone who says if they won the lottery would still have to work is talking b*llocks !!, I could keep myself busy doing bugger all quite easily...not really relishing the prospect, just hope that the internet access is fine and I can get on here all day !!.
also, anyone else got a Nintendo Wii, don't normally like these sorts of things but bought one the other day and have to say it's absolutely superb, have been playing Tiger Woods Golf non-stop and now the missus cannot wait for me to get out the house !!.
A fellow lifer is moaning this morning about being bored on his 1st day of a months gardening leave!!
I tried to convince my boy that buying a Wii was pointless as he already has a PS2. What was I thinking of?!!!!