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Why is it that EVERYTHING has to be "sold" to people with a bit of spin these days.

I heard on BBC Breakfast news last week that the government were considering trying to cut down on the number of teenagers binge drinking by, yep you've guessed it, putting up the tax on alcohol. Not just on teenagers buying alcohol you understand, oh no - after all it's not legal for most of them to buy the stuff in the first place - but by sticking up tax across the board. The theory went that if it's more expensive they will buy less of it. Oh really?

Unless they're going to whack it up by £5 per pint then I'd suggests that's total carp! Of course, it could work. Or else it could just be another revenue generating ploy sold and spun to the masses as being a "social measure" designed to cut down on these hoodie louts terrorising old grannies.

Cynical? Moi???


  • Too right mate - reckon you've got it spot on there old son.
  • edited October 2006
    Governments, not just this one, take great joy it seems to me in punishing the decent majority for the sins of the minority.

    They should target the culprits and throw the book at them rather than make the rest of us suffer.
  • [cite] Off_it:[/cite]Too right mate - reckon you've got it spot on there old son.

    Ha ha off it, your a nutter man lol
  • Would you credit it - just like buses. You wait hours for one and then two turn up at the same time.

    I know Len is the 89 parked up outside the Roebuck while the driver/clippy are both inside having a cheeky one. Which bus are you 04_MCS???
  • The 53 mate! Dont no why, but it sounds a good bus. Glad to be of service off it!
  • "The 53 mate! Dont no why, but it sounds a good bus."

    *1905 sits shaking his head*

    Btw - I am just aimlessly trying to get to my 200 post, which is my next one. Are you in 4 figures yet?
  • He's on 667.
  • Exhibit B, from today's Bulletin

    "The next phase of Charlton's switch to a 'one-stop shop' for all commercial transactions took place this week with the decision to refer to the club's new commercial centre instead of the previously used ticket office."

    Why??? so we can get charged the same rip off amount waiting for ALL phonecalls to be answered now - not just calls to the TICKET OFFICE! (It's an office that sells tickets, therefore it will always be a ticket office to me. Same way that the "Superstore" will always be the Club Shop. I mean, it's hardly one of these out of town Sainsbury's is it?!)
  • Exhibit C, you'll love this one Off It

    'Unbeaten at The Valley since late September, Charlton will be aiming to build on that positive when Blackburn Rovers visit SE7'

    oh, so everything is great then, what you all worried about !!
  • I thought this was about Monty being picked for the second test
  • Sponsored links:

  • Yeah, I did see that. Can't wait to read what they say about today's performance.

    Anyone reckon we might've dropped a place or two in the "Eurofootsie League" lately? I need to know.
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