I ve met a lady lol really keen on her but I have just learnt that she got done for not paying her tv licence a couple of months ago ? What do I do lol
1. Be all moral and think she might be dodgy because of this and not to go there. Could i trust her.
2. Feck it and go for it. Im just a tart thinking this lol
Any ideas you Dear Deidries out there lol
If the answer is yes then you have your answer !
If there is genuine economic hardship the tv licence would rate lower than most bills in the list of priorities if something has to give.
A lot of students take a calculated risk on their limited resources and avoid paying for a TV licence on the basis that by the time the authorities catch up with them they'll be gone.
On the other hand she might be naturally financially feckless and dishonest and the TV licence maybe only the tip of the iceberg.
You need to get to know her better and get a "feel" (pun intended) for the type of person she really is.
Have you read his posts ????? :-)
If she's fit and puts out, who cares.
if not..............why bother?
if you're asking the question in the first place you obviously have a problem with it.
there are plenty more out there....................& plenty more who've done worse.............you could be alone for a bit.
stick with CharltonLife!!!!!!!! ;-)
Now, that is funny
If she's fit and puts out, who cares.
I also agree if she is fit i would not even think of on teh bloody TV licence
or runs off with her brother???
'bet he marrys her mum
or runs off with her brother??? '
whats the adams family song again we sing lol