Listening to the breakfast show on Virgin radio this morning, they were talking about bands you were in when you were at school and what they were called.
One guy phones-in and says he was in a metal band called Rypt blah blah blah, long story short - there's only one recording of the band and it's on YouTube and he says people should go have a look at the video. It's not too shabby a song (Death by Concrete!), but the really interesting thing is the name of the user that posted the video....twoshedsusa
Could it really be him? Did he get swept away by the tsunami and end-up in the states???
Anyway, were you in a band at school? What was it called? I got together with a few mates but we never made it to the stage where we gave ourselves a name!
We did covers of Human Being by the New York Dolls, a very speed-ed up version of Subterranean Homesick Blues and some of our own songs which I can't now remember. Thankfully no tapes or photos exist. I hope!