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This sporadic talk of hoddle



  • [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]Norman Whiteside gave me a stick of gum and I still have the wrapper in an autograph book at home. What's he doing these days?

    A sports physiotherapist I believe.

    Won't be up for a management position then?
  • As I have said elsewhere an arrogant article, but he is defensive, did well at Southampton and at Wolves, did not have any money to spend.

    A good defensive coach - I would be dissapointed, bur would also understand.
  • You're right about it only being NEGATIVE Buddhist comments. But what else do the press report?

    The only reason he probably didn't take Eileen Drewery was because he was getting grief about her. He should have been left to get on with it and he would have taken her. It may not have worked but people should let other people get on with their jobs in their way. Much like Charlton fans have done, ironically, with Dowie.

    As for Beckham, everyone was blaming him at the time. It was after all his fault that we only had 10 men.
  • Everyone was blaming him or the press were?
    That was his fault indeed but not that we lost on pens.
  • [cite]Posted By: cafcpolo[/cite]Everyone was blaming him or the press were?
    That was his fault indeed but not that we lost on pens.

    Fair point. It was perhaps press incited but I remember people blaming him before the next day's papers came out. Anyway this is all getting off the point. My original point was that Hoddle isn't such the big failure people make him out to be.
  • i don't think people believe Hoddle to be a big failure in any way, in fact i think he has a superb knowledge.

    But he's man management skills are a known flaw. Dozens of players have come out publicly with uncomplimentary comments regarding Hoddle as an individual and as a man manager, with little praise from others forthcoming.

    He is simply not a man that others warm to, and i personally would struggle to 'force myself' to really get behind him.
  • The man-management criticism I think is the only fair point to have been made against Hoddle and I think it's enough. I don't want him either. By the way, like your latest blog, AFKA
  • Jimmy, Hoddle isn't such a big failure. Are you having a larf. Living with the Froggies has affected your head mate. Next suggestion: Nigel Spackman ? Wasn't really given a chance at The Den and deserves another shot. Hoddle : NO NO NO.
  • My God, how have you managed to stay awake so late Mr Large?
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  • I agree he's not a bad manager, but is he the right man for the job and to get us out the relegation zone? Mid-long term Hoddle could be a good coach again, I didn't dislike the style of play he tried to bring in, ball to feet, pass and move, let the ball do the work etc. But we don't have time to develop that style. We need someone who can get the players believing in themselves a bit. I don't think Hoddle brings that skill with him. I remember Charlton playing Swindon at Upton Park. Swindon were a lovely side to watch, stroked the ball around elegantly...we were a bit more agricultural and won 2-0. In essence I'm not sure we have the players at the club to play the Hoddle way.
  • I agree. I don't want him either. I don't want any of this shit but there we are.
  • can't sleep, too hyper. actually very gutted and the bloody phone ain't stopped ringing. If it ain't you from France it's a bearded bloke from Barnehurst !
  • edited November 2006
    Hoddle can literally go f*ck himself coz I dont want him anywhere near our club.
  • Diawara...... ...

    Language mate....
  • Hoddle no way!
  • Well, all i can say is i hope the club are reading this particular thread. I aint even sure i could warm to him, would be real tough to support him!

    Please Charlton, not Hoddle.
  • He was the best England manager of the past 10 years in my opinion and sacked for non-football reasons (however out of order the comments were)
  • NO NO NO NO NO NO..............not Hoddle, please god no !!
  • hoddle= aloof and arrogant = relegation
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