... at least for today.
Was out on the lash last night with a couple of friends. We got a black cab home and I was the last drop-off. Then got a call to say that one of my friends had lost their laptop and did I remember seeing it in the cab. I didn't - but then I was hammered and probably wouldn't even have noticed if there was a tiger in there with me!
My doorbell went this evening and there was the cabbie standing there saying, "have you lost a laptop?" What a nice fella - south london lad too. He said he'd only noticed it in there this morning and had been driving around for a bit trying to remember where he dropped me off. I bunged him £20 for his trouble - it was all I had on me. My friend is ecstatic - the last person to lose a laptop from their work got a written warning.
Black cab drivers - love em!
have you learnt to type with more than one finger yet nolly?
cab driver here brought my phone back a while back - wasn't worth a lot but it's such a pain in the arse sorting it out - there are decent people out there.
And what is your knowledege of Germans?
I know loads have worked with and for them for over 20 years. Ever been there mate? Probably not. They love us, have a huge respect for us and we should respect them. Their country is so superbly run. Clean, pleasent and the whole place runs so effeciently. That of course is a cliche, but is so true.
Go back to your Stan Boardman video fella.
Love the hermans myself - great beer & fit birds - what more could you want
Start two world wars? Hmmmmm. Check the history of your own country, which I persume is England. We are one of the biggest warmongers of all time.
I don't take offence to all that you say mate, I just feel the need to point out when you are wrong.
Give me Germans over Yanks anyday. They like us too.
If not they normally return it to the PCO
My step-son went to Spain last week with his big bro and 2 nephews and when he arrived at the resort he realised he'd left his rucksack with a wallet full of dosh, 3 Nintendo DS's and about 20 games in the cab. The next day, reception phoned to say that the cab driver had bought back the rucksack with everything intact. Lucky boy.
Yeah, you would say that. But we all know that 99% of black cabbies are thieving scroats at heart really though - LOCKED ON FACT!