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Very, Very Odd.



  • [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]i'm gonna go and shed a little tear thinking only 2 years ago, last game of the season, i was at old trafford and we were getting stuffed 4-0 by man united (as opposed to 3-0 by barnsley last week!) and shedding a tear for the leaving legend alan curbishley, hoping that his departure wouldn't see our club fall backwards , well the rest is history................................
    the king is dead long live the king!!

    Me too, I was confident my trust in the board would be justified
    as Herod Agrippa said to Emporer Claudius "Tust no one"
  • I will be there not because I want to see Shelvey and Wagstaff, not because I want to see off Peter Varney and welcome Steve Waggott with a deserved clap - although I want to do those things - but because I'm a Charlton fan and I go to see Charlton play and win when I can. It's what I do.

    Touche, Henry, it's what I do. I'm seriously not looking forward to it. But that's not the point is it? I support Charlton, it's like a marriage for better or worse to death do us part.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Son had a game Sunday 12.30 KO. Asked him what he wanted to do, play for his team or go to Charlton. "Charlton" he said without a moments hestitation.

    I will be there not because I want to see Shelvey and Wagstaff, not because I want to see off Peter Varney and welcome Steve Waggott with a deserved clap - although I want to do those things - but because I'm a Charlton fan and I go to see Charlton play and win when I can. It's what I do.[/quote]

    Indeed it's been a disappointing season, but you don't follow Charlton expecting to see the team win things. It hasn't been all doom & gloom this season, we beat Palace home and away, beat Southampton and Plymouth with ten men and have had some young players come through. Hopefully this season this will be the nadir and that next year a more established squad will go on.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]It is going to be a really strange atmosphere on Sunday, very odd. Home stands will be only 60% full at best.
    Can't imagine any players names being cheered as they are read out. Coventry will start strong and any early muffs by us will be greeted with a chorus of massive disapproval.
    I really see us conceding early and frequently, sort of us V West Ham last season in reverse.
    People will start to leave earlier than usual, much to the amusement of the massive Coventry following.
    If the players do walk round at the end it is going to be embarrassing to say the least.
    I really expected this match to be our farewell to the Championship.

    However, I could be wrong. Doubt it though.[/quote]

    [quote][cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]It is going to be a really strange atmosphere on Sunday, very odd. Home stands will be only 60% full at best.
    Can't imagine any players names being cheered as they are read out. Coventry will start strong and any early muffs by us will be greeted with a chorus of massive disapproval.
    I really see us conceding early and frequently, sort of us V West Ham last season in reverse.
    People will start to leave earlier than usual, much to the amusement of the massive Coventry following.
    If the players do walk round at the end it is going to be embarrassing to say the least.
    I really expected this match to be our farewell to the Championship.

    However, I could be wrong. Doubt it though.[/quote]
  • Sorry about that !!! First time posting here.... I will be cheering when Jonjo's name geys called out is what i wanted to say. I do find it hard to work out our you call yourselves supporters if you dont even want to go to the last game of the season
  • i take it your jonjo's uncle.I see Jonjo and the other youngsters as the catalyst to re-unite our club.For the past two years we have had players with no affinity to the club,it's time for some youngsters to pull us fans together again.I hope jinjo is happy at the club,from what i've seen of him in the youth team,he has every chance of emulating Lee Bowyer and Scott Parker at Charlton.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]

    I will be there not because I want to see Shelvey and Wagstaff, not because I want to see off Peter Varney and welcome Steve Waggott with a deserved clap - although I want to do those things - but because I'm a Charlton fan and I go to see Charlton play and win when I can. It's what I do.

    How very noble.
    You wanna get out more fella!

  • Yeah he's very happy there ... But i hiope he ends up better than bowyer (i cant stand him) seems like you have quite a few good youngsters now who enjoy playing there
  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]Sorry about that !!! First time posting here.... I will be cheering when Jonjo's name geys called out is what i wanted to say. I do find it hard to work out our you call yourselves supporters if you dont even want to go to the last game of the season

    I didn't ever say I wasn't going. I just said it was going to a strange atmosphere.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]Yeah he's very happy there ... But i hiope he ends up better than bowyer (i cant stand him) seems like you have quite a few good youngsters now who enjoy playing there[/quote]

    Welcome to the community Uncle it would be good if you could be our regular Jonjo updater.
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  • edited May 2008
    [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]Sorry about that !!! First time posting here.... I will be cheering when Jonjo's name geys called out is what i wanted to say. I do find it hard to work out our you call yourselves supporters if you dont even want to go to the last game of the season

    I didn't ever say I wasn't going. I just said it was going to a strange atmosphere.

    Yeah i know but since you said that others have been implying that wont be attending which is a shame. I probably never made myself clear enough !!! Give me time to get used to this forum and i'll be ok
  • Start by switching to BBCode.
  • [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]Start by switching to BBCode.
    Do you mean like that ??? Thanks
  • Quality.
  • so come uncle give us the run down on Jonjo
  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]so come uncle give us the run down on Jonjo
    What do you want to know ?
  • how long has he been there,who his mentors at the club have been,and for us after the Jermaine Defoe debacle with him being A West Ham fan re-assure he wants to stay,because i know the fans are going to absolutely love him.
  • He's been there a long time now not sure just how long. he really likes it and isn't going anywhere they have looked after him really well. He aint a jermaine he's really just a good honest lad thats worked really hard to be as good as he is..... and believe me you aint seen anything yet !!! I know i'm probably a bit biased but he really is the nuts and you'll see that next year if he gets many chances. I'm actually gonna buy a season ticket so i can watch him and i'm a west ham fan. So he better bloody be good ha ha
  • come in the northstand mate your fall asleep in the West Stand,have a beer in the liberal before the game and you can come on the next lifers coach we organise.WE ON THE MARCH WITH JONJO'S ARMY !!!

    PS tell him it's compulsory to hate Palace and that orange wank** Jordan.
  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]come in the northstand mate your fall asleep in the West Stand,have a beer in the liberal before the game and you can come on the next lifers coach we organise.WE ON THE MARCH WITH JONJO'S ARMY !!!

    PS tell him it's compulsory to hate Palace and that orange wank** Jordan.
    Ha ha ok the beer bit sounds good and i will let him know...... I was gonna ask the best place to sit so north stand then !!! Thats where we are tommorow about 70 of us ha ha
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  • Lets hope you have a good day Uncle and Jonjo does you all proud.
  • [cite]Posted By: southamptonaddick[/cite]Lets hope you have a good day Uncle and Jonjo does you all proud.
    Thanks i hope we do too ..... He's already made everyone so proud
  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]come in the northstand mate your fall asleep in the West Stand,have a beer in the liberal before the game and you can come on the next lifers coach we organise.WE ON THE MARCH WITH JONJO'S ARMY !!!

    PS tell him it's compulsory to hate Palace and that orange wank** Jordan.
    Ha ha ok the beer bit sounds good and i will let him know...... I was gonna ask the best place to sit so north stand then !!! Thats where we are tommorow about 70 of us ha ha

    70 of you? Hope you bought your tickets well in advance, because it's a sell out and you won't get in...... lol
  • whereabouts Uncle upper or lower ?
  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]whereabouts Uncle upper or lower ?
    Lower block A near the corner flag i think !!! Any good there ???
  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]whereabouts Uncle upper or lower ?
    Lower block A near the corner flag i think !!! Any good there ???

    They pushed the boat out for you lot didn't they lol.

    The good thing is you get a good view from anywhere in the ground.
  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: southamptonaddick[/cite]Lets hope you have a good day Uncle and Jonjo does you all proud.
    Thanks i hope we do too ..... He's already made everyone so proud

    Question or 2 for you uncle:

    Apparently big family turnout up at Barnsley for Jonjo - brilliant. Pards told him he was playing days before - what was his reaction when he realised he was going to start, excited, nervous, cool head or what? .... and what about afterwards, when everyone was telling him he played so well?

    And how's he feeling about tomorrow, with Pards bigging him up?
  • Yeah we was spoilt rotten lol but should be good wherever we are ..... you wont miss us we'll be the noisy rabble in the corner lol
  • Welcome Uncle. After watchin Jonjo last week at Barnsley he was head and shoulders above the rest of them out there and had the decency to come over to the away fans and give his shirt away at the end UNLIKE some of our players. Wish he had been played some weeks ago. Great turn out from I guess your family last week to.
  • there you go uncle jonjo has already had a positive effect already.Never seen a thread brimming with excitement like this for a long time.
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