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Bletchley Park

which played a vital part in World War 2 is potentially under threat from developers.

If you value British Heritage please sign this petition to try and save it.


  • Done it Len

    poxy country is over developed already piss off and build out at sea
  • Coincidentally, it is the anniversary of Alan Turing's death tomorrow.
  • I signed it Len. It makes me mad that we have to fight to save these kind of places. My best mates mum worked there during the war. There are many many things that made the difference between winning and losing the war but the code breaking done at Bletchley Park was one of the truely key work which gave the Allies the edge.
  • Done. Bletchley Park should be protected.
  • Me too. What next, keyworker flats at Dover Castle?
  • Done. This should be considered an important part of our heritage.

    [quote][cite]Posted By: Algarveaddick[/cite]Coincidentally, it is the anniversary of Alan Turing's death tomorrow.[/quote]

    Turing should have a statue on Whitehall. There's plenty of others with monuemnts who I'm sure didn't contribute as much.
  • The Prime Minister wasn't exactly brimming with excitement about BP. But at least there is funding coming from a couple of sources (glad I'm not a Milton Keynes council tax payer - not sure why they should be the ones to stump up). I don't know how far that money will go though - sounds just like a bit of damage limitation to me.
  • Petition has been handed in already I think and Govt has subsequently turned down requests for funding. I just can't see this going to developers, the whole nation would be in uproar, but it would seem that extra funding is required. Cue EU, it may be a mega monster but can come up trumps on this type of thing.
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