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What are your Guilty Pleasures...



  • The music of Carly Rae Jepson

    One song in particular. A bit like Bulletproof by La Roux.
  • After an away win I like to chat with friends. Par for the course really due to the spread of social media.
  • After an away win I like to chat with friends. Par for the course really due to the spread of social media.

    They must be worried about you this past year if that's the only time you talk to them!
  • Pork crackling Old school Punk (Ruts, Clash, Stranglers, etc etc Jeeves & Wooster, Blackadder (anything with Fry & Laurie)

    I don't see any of those as guilty pleasures, they're just pleasures. I like evey one of those and will happily tell all and sundry.
  • Xhamster.

    Nah more of a pornhub man myself
  • Xhamster.

    Nothing guilty about that mate
  • Xhamster.

    Nothing guilty about that mate
    Depends what genre one is looking under, bearing in mind that the Swedes are notoriously filthy bastards.
  • Might get 'the Swedes are notoriously filthy bastards' printed on a t-shirt, followed by 'FACT' or summin
  • Arrow - to be honest it's awful, but still I find myself watching it.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Arrow - to be honest it's awful, but still I find myself watching it.

    I watched the first series yet lost interest in the second.
  • Arrow - to be honest it's awful, but still I find myself watching it.

    I watched the first series yet lost interest in the second.
    It's absolute dross - I've still managed to make it to season 4. I think it's got something to do with Laurel Lance to be honest.
  • Xhamster.

    Nah more of a pornhub man myself
    Not as many categories.
  • Arrow - to be honest it's awful, but still I find myself watching it.

    I watched the first series yet lost interest in the second.
    It's absolute dross - I've still managed to make it to season 4. I think it's got something to do with Laurel Lance to be honest.

    Cant think why
  • love island back for a new series anyone admitting to watching?.

    Yeah.... The girlfriend doesn't even watch it I feel ashamed.
    Best bit is the guy's 'take the piss' voice over.
  • All this talk of Love Island led my mind wandering to Shipwrecked. More great trash TV. Naomi the brunette is now stuck in my head.
  • Occasionally posting a full stop and nothing else as my "comment" in a thread about a really controversial topic so people wonder whether

    a) it was something so heinously offensive mods have removed it before lawyers are called

    b) I've either bottled it or was panged with instant regret and self censored

    C) I'm a twat who can't use a keyboard correctly unsupervised

    You sir, are a monster.
  • Occasionally posting a full stop and nothing else as my "comment" in a thread about a really controversial topic so people wonder whether

    a) it was something so heinously offensive mods have removed it before lawyers are called

    b) I've either bottled it or was panged with instant regret and self censored

    C) I'm a twat who can't use a keyboard correctly unsupervised

    I'll let you in on a secret.... We all guessed C ;)
  • Sponsored links:

  • Eurovision and the odd glass of rose
  • SDAddick said:

    Occasionally posting a full stop and nothing else as my "comment" in a thread about a really controversial topic so people wonder whether

    a) it was something so heinously offensive mods have removed it before lawyers are called

    b) I've either bottled it or was panged with instant regret and self censored

    C) I'm a twat who can't use a keyboard correctly unsupervised

    You sir, are a monster.
    You see if your going to do that you've got to edit your post as then people may wonder about (a) or (b)
  • Pork crackling Old school Punk (Ruts, Clash, Stranglers, etc etc Jeeves & Wooster, Blackadder (anything with Fry & Laurie)

    The mrs calls them guilty pleasures for me, cooking the sunday roast, with the Ruts, crack album blasting in the background,
  • Arrow - to be honest it's awful, but still I find myself watching it.

    I watched the first series yet lost interest in the second.
    It's absolute dross - I've still managed to make it to season 4. I think it's got something to do with Laurel Lance to be honest.
    Yep, it's complete shit and I've finally managed to wean myself off it. Daredevil and Jessica Jones are much better.
  • love island back for a new series anyone admitting to watching?.

    Yep. Watched it last year too. Its all very boring this year. Yes I know, it was boring last year too but at least there was some fireworks. It's all very tame. Even with Rykard last night admitting he'd slept with the other one, the lass let him off after he read her a poem. WTF. We want to see some fisticuffs.
  • Love island is the first trash TV I've watched since Big brother 3 or maybe 4?

    I have to say it is boring, but the essex couple Nathan and Carla is it? they're hilarious.
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