Bloke has decided to try and get a job had no CV,liked the look of mine and asked if i would help, even though i told them i did not do my own.
They gave me basic details so last night asked for a bit more input into was done in a few of the jobs, here is the reply to the labourer
isa marie says:
when workin wif colin its was what ever colin wanted him to do
louisa marie says:
ie tidign up
louisa marie says:
he doen a bit of decoratin
louisa marie says:
he doen structual repair
louisa marie says:
and tided up
God help me and anyone that takes this idiot on
so...he takes and follows instructions well?
That's about as positive a spin as I can manage!
get in there somewhere a few spin words etc:
"works well on own"
"is a team player"
"follows plans and instructions"
"dedicated and reliable"
You had the same professor as me then, did you?