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The School 11+ exam.

My daughter sits her 11+ in September.Try this out, don't use a calculator.

I got 6 out of 8.

You may begin......


  • 7 out of 8. No calculator. Got the number sequence wrong.
  • Grammar school material 8/8 and I didn't use a calculator.
  • edited June 2008
    6/8 got galllop one wrong and number sequence, can some bright spark explain the latter?
  • got the number sequence wrong... and "whom" one... shame.
  • no one is gonna believe me, but i got 7/8 no calculator, but did guess the first one right and got the sequence one wrong
  • my daughter is doing her's this year too. i got whom who or what wrong. 7/8
  • 8/8 for me... and yes, I passed my actual 11 plus and went to Chatham Grammar... (Can anyone see the irony in 'Chatham' and 'Grammar')
  • 7/8 - Got my galloping and racing mixed up. I put it down to cultural bias, we didn't have gymcana lessons when I was in jumior.
  • 7/8 clicked the wrong answer in the galloped trooted etc sequence -
  • edited June 2008
    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]6/8 got galllop one wrong and number sequence, can some bright spark explain the latter?

    the numbers were going down in sequence so 23 was wrong because it was

    so 1to 9 = 8 , then 9 to 16= 7 so it should have been 22 - ie 16 to 22= 6 hence the sequence 8, 7 and then 6
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  • those who got it right what was reasoning behind the number sequence, pls?
  • razil, as above, though I counted down from the top.

    8/8, no calc (but pen & paper!) went to Bexley Grammer, wasted my time there ;)
  • 7/8

    Didn't get the sequence question at all.
  • I got the number sequence wrong and still don't understand it!!
  • counting backwards subtract the number each time.. I think..
  • Got 7/8 but didnt understand the bricks question. Can someone enlighten me. Probably really obvious but I just didnt get what they were saying.
  • The bricks would be built like this


    Started at 9 high and then 1 brick higher each time (to build the step), seven in total, so the last step would be 15 high.

    Then just add them up /total them.
  • 1,9,16,23,27,31,34 were the numbers

    Basically the numbers SHOULD go down in sequence 8,7,6,5,4,3,

    You see 1-9 is 8 - - - - 9-16 is 7 - - - - 16-23 is 7 which is where it is wrong as it should have been 16-22 being 6 - - - -

    My sone gets this stuff all the time but harder at Senior school now so got to be o the ball - not that he needs my help he's shit hot at maths.
  • 7/8 got the galloped/raced one wrong.
  • 7/8 galloped/raced round the wrong way.
    30 years on and still dont did ingsih
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  • Sorry 8/8!!

    Brings back bad memories. Passed 11+ was sent to Dartford Grammar, while all my mates went to St. Stephens (St. Columbus as it is now). Forced to play Rugby and Cricket and learn latin!!!!!

    Fitted in about as much as a bloke with no arms at a Javelin throwing contest!

    Subsequently spent the next 4 years staring out the window and dodging blackboard rubbers. :-(
  • [cite]Posted By: KillersBeard[/cite]Sorry 8/8!!

    Brings back bad memories. Passed 11+ was sent to Dartford Grammar, while all my mates went to St. Stephens (St. Columbus as it is now). Forced to play Rugby and Cricket and learn latin!!!!!

    Fitted in about as much as a bloke with no arms at a Javelin throwing contest!

    Subsequently spent the next 4 years staring out the window and dodging blackboard rubbers. :-(

    You obviously had the same latin teacher there as I did.
  • [cite]Posted By: kigelia[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: KillersBeard[/cite]Sorry 8/8!!

    Brings back bad memories. Passed 11+ was sent to Dartford Grammar, while all my mates went to St. Stephens (St. Columbus as it is now). Forced to play Rugby and Cricket and learn latin!!!!!

    Fitted in about as much as a bloke with no arms at a Javelin throwing contest!

    Subsequently spent the next 4 years staring out the window and dodging blackboard rubbers. :-(

    You obviously had the same latin teacher there as I did.

    Chrome Dome!!!!!!!!!!! ?
  • The guy who used to throw board rubbers when I was there had a gorbachov style birthmark on his forehead and a moustache straight out of a 70's porn film.
  • [cite]Posted By: kigelia[/cite]The guy who used to throw board rubbers when I was there had a gorbachov style birthmark on his forehead and a moustache straight out of a 70's porn film.
    Mr. Saunders
  • that's the guy.
  • I suspect I'm a bit before both of your times.

    Although, there was a Saunders who chucked board rubbers, vaguely remember him as a History teacher during my time. Another guy called Patterson was just plain barking and when he wasn't chucking things he was turning over desks.

    Chrome Dome never chucked anything as far as I remember just taught you like you should already know what he was going on about. That sketch in 'Life of Brian' is soooo spot on.
  • 7/8 for me - Can't remember which one I got wrong now (not the sequence one though - I'm pretty good at those)

    I went to Wilmington Grammar as I refused to go to Dartford Grammar because I wanted to play football.

    That's certainly tougher than the 11+ I took in the late 80's though
  • [cite]Posted By: Fishnets[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: KillersBeard[/cite]Sorry 8/8!!

    Brings back bad memories. Passed 11+ was sent to Dartford Grammar, while all my mates went to St. Stephens (St. Columbus as it is now). Forced to play Rugby and Cricket and learn latin!!!!!

    Fitted in about as much as a bloke with no arms at a Javelin throwing contest!

    Subsequently spent the next 4 years staring out the window and dodging blackboard rubbers. :-(

    At least you weren't abused by Priests

    Nope that would be my Primary School days, although they were Nuns actually!!!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: KillersBeard[/cite]I suspect I'm a bit before both of your times.

    Although, there was a Saunders who chucked board rubbers, vaguely remember him as a History teacher during my time. Another guy called Patterson was just plain barking and when he wasn't chucking things he was turning over desks.

    Chrome Dome never chucked anything as far as I remember just taught you like you should already know what he was going on about. That sketch in 'Life of Brian' is soooo spot on.

    Chrome Dome left about 1984/85 time.
    The senior library was his own private domain - you would have thought he was lending out his own books.
    Luckily I didnt do Latin, I took German as my option in 2nd year.

    Mr Patterson was a nutter, he used to stomp around the room with his arms swinging around like a neanderthal - during one lesson I was spinning an american football shaped rubber around on my desk. Next thing I knew was being dragged accross the classroom by my tie, knocking desks all over the place.
    These days the kid would be onto the police claiming assault.

    Go Havelock.
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