The last week i have two 'cute' grey squirrels. Started playing around in the garden. Now they are climbing on my windows. Ethical decision do I get rid of them before they get in my loft ?
Get my cat round there. Saturday night I got in ****ed as a fart to find a decapitated and eviscerated squirrel dead in the centre of my kitchen floor, with a blood trail all the way to the cat flap and blood all over the cat's whiskers. He sat there grinning at me from ear to ear... murderous little git. That's the fourth squirrel this year - and we don't see that many of them where I live.
Last year i went to find out what all the thumping of the catflap was to find my Moggie trying to get a whole roast chicken (still warm) through the catflap, i still don't know where she got it from...
But as above, just scare them off from the house area. Keep a small pile of stones by the back door.
Do the poor old (native) red squirrels a favour and off the invasive swine.
Mr Ambrose, your cat deserves a conservation medal. If we could train more moggies to get the little grey gits, then the cute red ones might stand more chance of not becoming extinct in the next few years...
Air rifle for warning shots, they don't like water either.
"Shoot the b*******, Shoot the b*******
Shoot, Shoot, Shoot the b*******
Seriously though, you can't blame Pards for Pete's squirrels
But as above, just scare them off from the house area. Keep a small pile of stones by the back door.
Mr Ambrose, your cat deserves a conservation medal. If we could train more moggies to get the little grey gits, then the cute red ones might stand more chance of not becoming extinct in the next few years...
More racial problems...
i'm allergic to dogs lol. The four legged kind that is.