want to get an ipod touch and a mate is in the USA next week so I was wondering am I going mad in believing that as uk residents we don't have to pay tax on items out there?
If so and the price for the ipod is listed as $500 on amazon.com then is that the price before tax or after?
If you order something of any real value from the States over the internet then the chances are you will get a slip through your door from the post office when it arrives telling you there is something to pay. That will be the VAT again which the Post Office collect on behalf of the tax authorities.
Check the terms and conditions on the website to see if it's delivered tax paid (very unlikely!) or not.
Low value items are ok though. Ever wondered why if you order three or four CD's over the internet the sometimes turn up packaged individually? That's so each package falls below the minimum value for tax free imports - which is something really low like £13 for postal imports.
Admit it, you never thought I could ever be so knowledgeable on anything - did you?
The $500 will include local tax which is likely to be at a much reduced level of VAT (usually ca 8%) and if he gets caught at UK customs then UK VAT will be applied. To get around this tell him to either throw the packaging/receipts etc away stateside or mail them and therefore avoid any sign that he bought it anywhere else than in the UK.
Anybody else hear that they may soon be able to tell what stuff on your ipod is downloaded illegally and clobar you if they catch you at airports , he was right old Orwell.
You know about real ale:-)