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Supporter's Director Abolished -Why?

Question for Ben Hayes, AKA Henry Irvine,

Hi Ben,

I voted for you as Supporters Director, and by all accounts you've done a good job.Certainly I've appreciated your blogs here. I was surprised though to learn that on your watch, the position has been abolished. At this time, with a lot of changes in the Boardroom as well as in management positions, it seems the Supporters' Director is more vital than ever.

I don't know how many people here will be that interested, but I think you ought to explain who decided on this, what the reasons were, and how you responded. I have heard -perhaps you can confirm - that the club reasoning was that the change in legal responsibilities of a director made it too onerous to have an 'ordinary fan' as a director. Sounds a bit patronising to me. Are you aware of changes to company law during your time that would have given them grounds for this belief?


Richard Hunt


  • I didn't know this had happened. I too would be interested in the reply.
  • My man on the inside tells me that the REAL reason was that the directors just got fed up with Henry eating all of the biscuits at board meetings.

    That and the cardigans.
  • It was CAFC's very own Ides of March!
  • Plus, his expenses were around half a mill, it was on that report ;-)
  • It was a cost cutting exercise.......regrettably Henry had to be let go, along with Bougherra, Chris Powell,
    Mark Robson, Cory Gibbs et al.

    The next step could have been Administration. Murray said so.

  • C'mon, no joking about. This is a serious question. Ben?
  • Richard,

    Ben/Henry is on Holiday currently. I don't know whether he has access to this site whilst he's away.
  • Hopefully not for his sanity. Let's just wait until he gets back.
  • Richard this is the article from the official site whilst Ben has now stepped down i don't recall seeing any thing regarding the supporters forum.
  • Prague, its a good point, and certainly is worth raising.

    Ben is on holiday as of today for two weeks, so don't be disappointed in the obvious lack of reply. I have my own opinions, and did plan to right an article regarding it next week, and if i get time over the weekend, i'll bring it forward.
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  • ive heard he's signed a contract with chelsea, he can now be found on cfcnet
  • ps. i know we generally like to take a light-hearted look at things on here, but it would be good to have a serious debate when someone raises a more serious topic.

    If you have views regarding the issue of supporter representation, it really would be good to hear them.
  • Henry did ask for views on whether the role should continue a while back if you are interested.
  • Its because they are going to sell the club to an anonymous Russian ogliarch and they don't want Henry spilling the beans.......
  • It has to be said that voting turnout was pathetic. You could be excused for thinking that the vast, vast majority of fans didn't give a monkeys. Personally, I think that's not sufficient reason to kill something which was a unique symbol of the relationship and trust between the CA board and the fans and which had functioned pretty well.
  • If my memory serves me correctly the Supporters Director was introduced with the VIP (Valley Improvement Plan) that many of us subscribed to when the club returned home. Now that that scheme has been wound up there is an argument that the SD is no longer needed.
    However I would argue differently, the various SD's that we have had have done their job with different degrees of success but the one thing they all have in common is that they are a conduit of communication for the fans to the Board. As CAFC pride themselves on being a "family club" with strong community links it seems a retrograde step to abolish the SD.
    I think we need to hear from Henry, on his return, as to the reasons and if we feel that the reasons are not valid we should start a campaign to reinstate the position.
  • Surely the SD should be a disabled, gay, immigrant?...

    He was
  • "If my memory serves me correctly the Supporters Director was introduced with the VIP (Valley Improvement Plan) that many of us subscribed to when the club returned home."

    You're right LL. It was the Valley Investment Plan, which was the last but critical financial component in the return the The Valley, raising about £1m from fans. Originally it was the VIP members that voted the SD in. Steve Clarke was the first and he stood for election against several others - I think they held a hustings which was very well attended. Then it pretty much became a succession of Supporters Club officials taking on the role (I think still based on VIP voting) before morphing into a vote among ST holders when the VIP scheme finished. Sue Townsend's election was the first by ST holders - from quite a lot of candidates, if I recall correctly, since any adult ST holder could stand with sufficient nominations. Turnout was paltry (I think well under 10%) and, though higher, I don't think the turnout at Henry's election was anything to write home about.
  • I think it is bad PR to abolish this position,the fans at this present time need to be reassured that their views are being heard and taken into consideration.Whatever people think without the VIP scheme we would not have got back to the valley and IMO this position should be set in stone.
  • The replacement with a supporters forum is a good idea in principle, because the liklihood is that whilst many fans would be put off going for a supporters director role, a less formal vehicle for them to air their views officially would be easier to involve yourself in.

    However the percieved lack of progress with the idea, or lack of communication on what progress there has been does not reflect well on the board. You could argue that this summer they have had more important things to deal with, but that doesn't really excuse ignoring it completely, which is what appears to have happened.
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  • NSS: I think it is bad PR to abolish this position,the fans at this present time need to be reassured that their views are being heard and taken into consideration.

    Steve, your views are being heard loud and clear. There are enough directors reading this board - they'd have to be blind not to know how you feel.
  • Maybe the shareholders can table a proposal that the Fans Director position is reinstated to be voted on at next AGM ? As shareholders we have the right to put forward proposals ----- dont think this has ever been done only board members put forward stuff e.g voting for chairman etc etc.

    Of course the fact that shareholders vote at the meeting is all cosmetic as if the two leading share holders disagreed their shares dwarf the rest of us. On the other hand it would get brought right out in open and would also be intresting to hear why etc and who votes yay or nay.

    I cant see it being dropped as a "liability issue" if this was the case make the position honary.
  • I am also puzzled by this, supporters forum sounds like a way of watering it down, what are they 'afraid' of?
  • I will be the first to admit I have never voted for any of the candidates for this position, but I do feel that it is one of the factors that make Charlton 'our' club. Henry's/Ben's postings on here have often shed some light on particular grievances that posters have had and it always enlightening to get an insight into the reasons the club has acted in such a way. I feel this is a particular link that now it has gone, we and the club will miss.
  • Aaaagh ...... my 'sensible' post timed out ..... and is lost forever in cyber-space!

    I should have copied & posted, I suppose - and can't be arsed to write it again. :o(

    I'll make some food instead.
  • I have a view from a position of almost complete ignorance (that I'd be happy for someone to put me right on, of course). The SD role was an idea to get a challenge into the boardroom, to offer a different perspective. Those attracted to the role, and those who are most likely to vote though tend to fall into the camp of "club loyalists". Therefore it hasn't really delivered the alternative perspective that was hoped for.

    It's good, on here, because you do get the additional explanation as JOL says, but I'd struggle to think of times when the SD has really stood apart and said that they fundamentally disagree with a decision, which is where the role gets into adding real value. Maybe it happens, but for good reasons it doesn't filter through to us - and that could be the problem it's supporters director not another director, which may explain the very low turnouts. It's not something that I, as one of the rank and file fans, feel offers me any additional value, insight or voice.

    I might be doing Hen and awful disservice here, but from outside of the boardroom that's the impression that I get. Maybe it's just a marketing thing.
  • ...of course, less controvertially it could just be that the idea of having a fan in the boardroom really doesn't work when we're in the situation that we're in now.
  • The role always look good a piece of PR when things were going well for the club to say how good they were with the fans but how much does it achieve with the current board. They have all served a long time with the club and are always approachable (e.g. branch meetings) so I never feel I need a fan arguing the fans case because I always felt they are making the decisions in the best interest of the club. Yes they have made a lot of mistakes in the past 2 and a half years but they made a lot more better decisions in the previous years, and although those mistakes are really costing at the minute it was done to take the club forward not take out the money and run.

    However if the board are about to sell up I think abolishing the role now is a poor decision as we may need a fan in the future on a new board, that is supposing a new owner would want the role to continue.

    Personally I feel Ben has been the best elected Director since the role first came in. Unlike the previous role holders he has actually achieved things especially during a time when the club has come in for more criticism (although justified) than any of the previous role holders would have had to put up with put together.
  • I don't really see why the fan has to be a 'Director' as such to sit in on meetings
  • Hi Ben,

    I expect that you didn't notice this, as you were on holiday so I just thought I'd bump it up the list now. Looking forward to your comments.

    Richard Hunt
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