A programme tonight on tv has revealed that a percentage of our rubbish is being sent to india.
No doubt when it arrives in India it will be dealt with by some characters being paid 5p an hour.
Everything's gone green or has it?
I know it's sad but I went to a recycling centre in Bromley By Bow a few weeks ago and they have this new state of the art machine that sorts all the recycling out and bales it and they sell it on so it is being done but they were the only companyin the UK with this machine and they sort 500000 tons of recycling a year but that is just the tip of the iceberg. It needs every council to invest in these rather than having some snooping little **** coming round looking in your bin to make sure you thrown stuff in the right bin.
SHRED everything I say then they'll never know if it;s yours.
I have seen the collection lorrys pick up both my green household bin and grey recycling bin and tip them both into the same lorry, so whats the point in all that.
And we do shred anything with a name and address on it, anything else straight in the recycle bin, newspapers, cardboard, A4 paper, window envelopes, take away menus, magazines etc, starting to wonder if its really worth it. Saw a glimpse of the programme this morning and the landfill site they were at they could trace the waste back to 47 local councils in the UK, outrageous.
PMSL.....Tears in eyes...superb mort, superb
One for Green
One for food
One for all other stuff
So that is now 3 lorrys instead of 1 polluting the atmosphere does not seem very green?
There are three compartments in each recycling lorry - one for each type of glass, from ground level it looks like they are being tipped into one container, but in reality they are being separated.
Are you Jeremy Kite?
One for Green
One for food
One for all other stuff
So that is now 3 lorrys instead of 1 polluting the atmosphere does not seem very green?
They still collect the same volume of rubbish, and do less collections so I'm not sure your logic is correct there.
It isn't that much of a chore really.
But surely the point is councils fine people for not doing it, then just let it be shipped out to a landfill in India, thats not right.
I am not agreeing with what has been mentioned here if true, but it doesn't mean I should just give up.
Pain in the harris but still
Nothing could force me to do that, IMO we all pay extortionate Council Tax, and they are getting us to do half the job for them, not saying I wont continue recycing paper and cupboard, but draw the line there.
Your choice, but is rinsing a can under the tap for a few moments that hard?
Yep, and it does not make me right or you wrong, its just opinions, if only more people understood that principle.
I dont willfully go around trying to increase my 'carbon footprint' or littering or wasting water, but I also dont bother with putting anything in the recycling bins at home. If its rubbish, it goes in the rubbish bin!!
We also try to do as much as we can, will even pick up plastic bottles, cans etc from outside the house and put them in our bins. If it goes to a recycling centre and then onto land fill in India / China then I suppose at the very least its not going to land fill over here.
However cans / plastic / paper etc is not the big "enemy". Mixing food / garden cuttings with household waste is a major no no as in the process of decomposing covered with household rubbish will produce increased levels of green house gasses. Putting it into your compost bin means it gets broken down properly and can be reused.
Swanley council tip are now selling bags of compost made from this.
I would suggest that recycling should be compulsory and non-compliance would carry a fine.
They are prepared to use anti terror lwas to see whats in your bin ,but happy to dump the sh*t in the third world !
Nice to know some cyber nerd in a far off place is looking into what rubbish is in what lorry in dear old Greenwich ----------------- sometimes i envy people with such an incident fueled life !
Where I draw the line is eco fascists intimidating people financially or otherwise because horror of horrors (!) decent, busy people trying to earn an honest crust have inadvertently put a bit of rubbish in the wrong coloured bin, type of bag or whatever. As has been shown above most of it goes to landfill in China or India anyway!
Furthermore a 6ft dustman won't drag a bin a couple of hundred yards leaving it to an arthritic council tax paying 70 plus old lady to try to do it!
In conclusion I'm happy with the principle of recycling but very unhappy with the way the Nazis in the New Labour Government and Local Authorities (of all political affiliation) try to enforce it.
Oh that the same amount of energy was put into stopping street crime as is to persecuting householders about their rubbish!!
Good job there's no football to discuss.;o)
For normal rubbish it seems they do. I recall previously the recycled bins were done fortnightly, but we were always filling ours by then so it appears they have switched to weekly.
They havent said yet waht we are supposed to do with the bif red bins, which once was for garden waste.
First we had our usual three dust carts come down the road to pick up the crap in our 5 ( F I V E ) different bins - one for paper, one for glass, one for plastics, one for compost and one for what's left. Not ten minutes later the fella in the street cleaning van came along and brushed the street spotless, followed five minutes later by a fella on a drive along mower who proceeded to cut the grass verges and fling grass cuttings all over the freshly cleaned road!