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Not long to go now boys & girls...

half an hour left for me in the office!


  • 2hrs 45mins
  • 3hrs 30mins
  • 4hrs 30 mins
  • Just off to a meeting in Stratford then heading straight to MP, see ya
  • 2hrs 6 mins!
  • 1hr 37mins
  • [cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]1hr 37mins

    Just rub it in why don't ya! On the plus side it's only 2hrs 2mins now!
  • 3hrs 30mins

  • I'm off already, just waiting for kick off.... T-minus 6 hours
  • 6 hours and counting....5 hours kip then I'll be up just before 5am for ko.....Come on you reds!
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  • I used to be on that side of the world... it's hell sometimes.
  • ahhh sometimes mate, but it has its benefits at times......back to reality next week though...wont bother packing my shorts...
  • LOL, will get to the Ipswich game then? Japan (where I was before) was bad but at least when I was in Germany I was only 40 mins from London city airport.
  • Dont get back until Monday. Wife just got back from working in Japan.....she wasnt too keen as hardly anyone spoke any English...sounds like a funny old working environment...but at least she felt tall for a while! Having said that I love it here in Sydney....I guess I have the best of both worlds, so I shant complain...getting up at an absurd time isnt too hard every now and again...the 2am starts from November onwards are a bit of a bind....just stay up late and enjoy a few beers....Just hope we get a result tonight...fingers crossed
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Sideways[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]1hr 37mins[/quote]

    Just rub it in why don't ya! On the plus side it's only 2hrs 2mins now![/quote]

    Jusat over the hour now ;-)
  • I didn't enjoy working in Japan at all, I loved the country, the food and the people were great, but the work ethic really doesn't suit the European temperament.

    Yep, get down the 7-11, get the beers in and wait. When I was staying up till 2 or 4 in the morning we had Dowie or reid in charge.

    5 hours 36mins to go!!!¬!!!
  • Yeah I was out here more often in the Curbs/Dowie/Reed days.....but at least we were regularly on tv back then...Id better get some shut eye I guess....dont want to miss any of the action.....if youre going....have a great night!
  • Wherever you are in the world.....3 hours 26min to go
  • Not many left online now is there? boo. Just been called from the Market Porter. that really winds me up when im stuck at my desk.
  • Leaving in 20 mins and meeting hubby at London Bridge
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  • Trying to finish the training course I need to write before my lift turns up in an hour and 15 mins or so.
  • i'm nervous now...
  • 31 minutes before I can leave :-(
  • Just got into work here in Canada :0(

    Another lunch time spent nervously hitting the refresh button here on CL for me...
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