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Good News - The Gurkhas Win

Gurkha veterans who were refused visas to settle in the United Kingdom because they retired from the regiment before 1997 were treated unlawfully and the policy used to reject them was misleading, a high court judge said today.

In a damning ruling for the Ministry of Defence, Mr Justice Blake said its advice to the Home Office on whether to grant settlement to the Gurkhas was confusing, resulting in "irrational and unlawful" restrictions being applied.

Justice at last.


  • edited 2008 30
    Fantastic news...justice would appear to have been done...let's hope The Ministry of Defence don't decide to appeal...wouldn't surprise me though with those bitter Whitehall w*nkers...after all it won't cost them anything personally will it!
  • Can't understand why the Govt was so stupid as to resist this. There's a limited (and dwindling) number of them, they want to work rather than sponge and you'd probably find 90% of the population want to welcome them.
  • Great news, about bloody time as well, disgraceful it happened in the first place
  • Great news.

    No-one doesn't love and respect the Ghurkas - this government need their collective heads testing.
  • excellent news!
  • should never have come to this brave souls them boys deserve housing and looking after
  • at last a judge showing a bit of commonsense the ghurkas are a credit to us all
  • Sorry i'm abit slow , but

    Excellent !
    At least thats cheered me up abit.
    Its not all doom and gloom...............(oh,right, CAFC,Superkent,Creditcrunch,lack of work.......)
  • I thought the Ghurkas had just won the right of appeal.

    I might be wrong but I don't think they are yet entitled to stay in the country.
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