My son (14) wants to be a professional photographer when he leaves school. This year he has to do a week of work experience and obviously he'd like to work with a photographer (or at least someone in a related profession). Expecting that competition for such chances would be a bit stiff, I suggested that he put together a website using a variety of his pictures, this could be used to demonstrate to people how keen he is.
He is taken with this idea, however neither of us know much about it. So I wondered has anyone got any tips on how he can set up a small site at little or no cost. I did suggest using myspace or flickr as a medium, but I think he's particularly keen on having his own url.
Any suggestions, dos/don'ts etc would be greatly appreciated.
Your ISP may well provide you with free webspace you can use - all you'll need then is to register a domain name and point it at your webspace. Failing that, there are lots of small, cheap hosts you can use - many of them give you free webspace to use when registering a domain name.
(only joking mate. I still want those shorts you promised!)
Boom Boom! Turns out, my fortunes are on the up. Just had an offer on the site. Still in the "indicative" stages tho. If it all works out I'll send you the shorts and the socks.
Nice boxers.