we've had the bnp list on t'intrnet but did anyone else get the text (or email?) naming the people (with address) 'accused' of being involved in this case?
i got it urging me to forward to everyone i know - but wont!
i agree it's disgusting what's happened but how can anyone be sure it's correct info (certainly not me)
even if it is - should we be passing this info around or let the authorities do their job?
discuss ...
i hope you do what i did and deleted the thing straight away
yes sir - no other option imo
They are in custody anyway and if found guilty won't be seeing the light of day for many a year...so what's the point.
The addresses given are 'possibly' those where other family members reside, let's not forget they are almost certainly TOTALLY innocent.
Understand your feelings 2nd Div.....let justice take it's course mate.
Some of those groups on there tho are just plainly wrong tho and very disturbing to read.