look guys it is a credit crunch lets not advocate anyone else to loose their job one had to go leave the fella with the mic alone we know he is no brian cole but he is trying and it aint his fault.
the fecking feeeshes on the other hand now the rot has got worse since they came along
With the greatest respect NLA, that's tosh! I'm sure the fella has other income and doesn't rely on 20 or so games a year to pay the mortgage - unless we're paying him far too much of course!
I'd love to know how he kept his job when loads lost theirs last year. And how is it that he isn't there for every game. We seem to cope OK without him ably enough when he's elsewhere.
[cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]
I'd love to know how he kept his job when loads lost theirs last year.
I'm sure others more informed will correct me if i'm wrong, but Pards liked him. Like Pards didn't like the RRR, VFR and insisted on the same motivational sample to be repeated every game despite the motivational impact losing its edge when you hear it every week.
great Barts let's have a complete turnover sack that twat five minutes to kick off rubbish is it a coincedence our demise started with his appointment ;-) Get what we the fans call inspirational music coz if we aint inspired then we aint goin 2 create atmosphere it's not rocket sicence is it.
I'm sure others more informed will correct me if i'm wrong, but Pards liked him. Like Pards didn't like the RRR, VFR and insisted on the same motivational sample to be repeated every game despite the motivational impact losing its edge when you hear it every week.[/quote]
Losing every week ain't too motivational either tbh.
Drown the fecker I say.
Fans' Forum sort it out!
Slightly OTT to say they own the screen.
I think they do the graphics - not very well IMHO - but they don't own the equipment.
Regardless, it is more naff than someone from Naffville USA who has a PHD in Naffness from the University of Naff.
the fecking feeeshes on the other hand now the rot has got worse since they came along
I'd love to know how he kept his job when loads lost theirs last year. And how is it that he isn't there for every game. We seem to cope OK without him ably enough when he's elsewhere.
I'm sure others more informed will correct me if i'm wrong, but Pards liked him. Like Pards didn't like the RRR, VFR and insisted on the same motivational sample to be repeated every game despite the motivational impact losing its edge when you hear it every week.
I'm really pissed off about this.
I stand corrected i thought they owned it oh well
Losing every week ain't too motivational either tbh.
get steak slices, fix the roof, get rid of the feesh
Change the motivational music
now if i was a manager out of a job even i could fix that lot :-)