wow now thats the a question---------------------just dont think i could---------------there would always be that naggin question. . . . . . .. . . does she swallow
[cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]Rothko, do you not recall my odd Would You's?? would never paste up an obvious yes.. AFKA will voutch for my would you's... ;-)
Bet better then the lazy, 'look heres a page 3 girl' would ya's else where.
The question always should be 'Your head say no, but do your nuts say go?'
She married a 'mystery man'. . . . and has a baby in November
But oddly she has still kept 'his' name a secret which is odd for a media figure.
He's prolly called Martina. . .
Rothko's next 'borderline':
I've just sprayed Coffee all over my screen.
take it youve seen the facebook group mate! lol
You should check out the Crush of Shame group a mate set up, the comments are quality
does she swallow
Oi, my woman's got a scarf like that......!!
shotgun the one to the right
Go on, admit it, you've got the wood.
Watch it she's mine ;oP