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Did a search, but nothing came up; Soo..........

Does anyone else else watch "Outnumbered" on BBC1 ?
Hugh Dennis (My Hero & Mock the Week) plays the father of 3 kids, and lives with his missus (obviously) and her father.
Anyway, I like it, and what with The IT crowd, "What does IT stand for ?", and new Simpsons, TV isn't too bad at the moment.(Tho' I still won't buy a license....)


  • Watched Outnumbered at the weekend, as I was told it is brillant. Apparently the adults are given a script but the kids completely make up what they are saying. that little girl Karen is so funny.

    never watched IT Crowd.
  • [cite]Posted By: miserableold-ish git[/cite]What does IT stand for ?

    Information Technology
  • Love the kids especially Ben! He reminds me of a little person not a millions miles from where I am sitting at this moment
  • Programme of the year !!!
    Last night brilliant.
  • mum whats a slapper
  • We'll carry on talking in the morning............
  • [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]...the kids completely make up what they are saying...

    Can't see that as true at all. Kids just wouldn't have the world experience to make that stuff up. I'm sure they're given a lot of freedom, but no six year old is going to come up with "Who's Ulrika?" without any prompting.

    However they make it though, it's still very funny.
  • [cite]Posted By: Stig[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]...the kids completely make up what they are saying...

    Can't see that as true at all. Kids just wouldn't have the world experience to make that stuff up. I'm sure they're given a lot of freedom, but no six year old is going to come up with "Who's Ulrika?" without any prompting.

    However they make it though, it's still very funny.

    I did say "apparently" as you have misquoted me, and i've only watched one episode.
  • [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Stig[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]...the kids completely make up what they are saying...

    Can't see that as true at all. Kids just wouldn't have the world experience to make that stuff up. I'm sure they're given a lot of freedom, but no six year old is going to come up with "Who's Ulrika?" without any prompting.

    However they make it though, it's still very funny.

    I did say "apparently" as you have misquoted me, and i've only watched one episode.

    That's the beauty of cut and paste; it's never a misquote if you put the little dots in... ;¬)
  • Just seen the last one - Love the line about Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice, yes Ben but sticking a fork in the Fusebox and the resulting electric shock is not lightning!

    Reminded me of an incident when I was 4 - Never new you you could fly if you stuck a screwdriver in the fuse box!
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  • Anyone know if there is going to be a 2nd series, or , as its a good comedy, will the the BBC pull the plug ?
  • That was the 2nd series. No news on a third, but I expect that they will make another.
  • New Series Starts tonight:
    BBC1 9:30.
  • Will be watching this tonight, makes me laugh.

    Im pretty sure the kids are semi-impromptu......whatever that really means.
  • I missed the comedy programme called by the same name, it seemed to have been replaced by a childrens programme, where they obviously wrote the script and all the hilarious jokes. As funny as a Shakespeare 'comedy'.
  • I missed the comedy programme called by the same name, it seemed to have been replaced by a childrens programme, where they obviously wrote the script and all the hilarious jokes. As funny as a Shakespeare 'comedy'.
  • Each to their own, i thought it was excellent. Love that little girl.
  • Agree with AFKA, thought it was brilliant. I did miss grandad though - for me he is the real star of the show.
  • Must have been good. I went out for a few drinks last night but cut it short to get home in time to see most of the US Masters golf.
    When I turned on the tv, Outnumbered was just starting.
    Stayed with it and only went back to the golf when Outnumbered had ended.
    I'd agree the little girl is very amusing.
    The mum is pretty foxy and Hugh Denis is perfect as the bemused dad.
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  • edited April 2010
    By pushing the "Red Button" after the show they showed "Outtakes":
    Apparently the Kids went into overdrive when Ben & Karen started talking about "Why are Lions in Tragalgar Square ? They're not English like......."
    They had to cut a 10 minute take into 90 seconds......
  • Ben is quality.
  • I too thought it was great, the little girl is the funniest, ok some of the jokes are maybe puerile and can be seen coming from a mile off but it makes me laugh and that's all the matters.
  • Saw the cast interviewed on Jonathan Ross, the kids are given a basic script, but are encouraged to ad-lib and build around it.
  • watched the first of the new series on friday.

    think that it has lost something now that the kids are older.

  • watched the first of the new series on friday.

    think that it has lost something now that the kids are older.

    I think it was still good but the kids need to grow up with it instead of playing the same age acting like they are whilst they get older.
  • watched the first of the new series on friday.

    think that it has lost something now that the kids are older.

    Agree the girl looks a little too old to be as naive as some of the comments she makes..
  • I love Outnumbered, although I agree that the kids are getting a bit old.

    The reason for the lack of script for the kids is due to the law about how many hours they can work. This way they get more screen time and less time would be spent learning lines.
  • I thought it was excellent, the nievety of the Girl is now replaced with a general stubborn attitude.  But can't see there being many more series as like the others commented it looses something as the kids get older.
  • Loved the previous series but a tad disappointed by the latest episode. Hoping it improves .


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