Just been having a chat with work mates about this subject and seems like a good debate, as it got quite heated here in the office. for me its the Exorcist... even at 28 years old i get the wind put up me when i watch it, MAx VonDow is one of the most underated actors of all time..

Sink if this has done before..
Classic old horror film is Dead of Night, pick it up cheap on Amazon and give it a go. It's very good.
GB: Night of the Demon
Alien 1
And more recent 30 Days of Night.
Exorcist on second thoughts must be the best of all time. Still holds your attention today.
But I would say that, as I release it on 26 January 2009
“Destined to acquire cult classic status amongst horror fans” Horror Movies.com
“A New Genre Classic....” Fangoria Magazine
“there is no doubting that this grisly gorefest is a genuine crowd-pleaser” Little White Lies
“Southern-fried horror, that’s finger-licking good” DVD Review
Buy it now ....
Sounds good mate
Eden Lake, British made too, out soon I think, watched it on a moody dvd.
Would recommend a watch.
Eden Lake, British made too, out soon I think, watched it on a moody dvd.
Would recommend a watch.[/quote]
It's good - but not better than TRAILER PARK OF TERROR
My favourite horror is probably "An American Werewolf in London" although I prefer "night of the Hunter" but it's probably in the film noir genre rather than being considered a horror flick.
The realistic horror still scares me witless there was a low budget indie film called 'Session 9' which i saw a couple of years ago and spent the entire night awake to scared to sleep the only other film ever to do that was Pscyho returns when i was much younger.
Last time i screamed out loud through being scared was playing Resident Evil and the dogs jumped through the window
28 days later? I thought it was a film about one bloke just living through all the mess that left until the zombie infected people got involved!! In a big fat cinema with about 12 other people, me and my (at the time) easily scared missus. she waited outside for me (silly cow) after the main mans neighbours jumped though his window! Made me jump did that one but what a good film