I always wondered if the people behind that site realised more people probably looked at it for "crikey! I remember those houses!" reasons than "crikey! look at that bus!".
There's a page somewhere on there showing how bad the traffic in Greenwich was in the late 60s/ early 70s - just after the second tunnel and A102 had been opened. Nothing ever changes.
You're right there, Inspector - it's deffo like, "blimey, I remember those cobbles and tramlines at Beresford Square market."
I worked at The Woolwich Equit there for a while in the 70's.
Erm hate to admit I know what that Pelican sign is, but I think you will find its Guinness, and no Im not that bloody old, I dont remember the trams or the trolleybuses
My Dad tells me the trams came off in 1952 - and were all scrapped at Charlton tram depot, where they were set on fire.
The trolleybuses must have come off quite a bit later.
One of my earliest memories as a tiny kid was standing at Welling Corner and watching the trolley buses come from Welling High Street and turn into Upper Wickham Lane. And there was a mass of electric power supply wires supported overhead, that flashed occasionally with blue arcing from the power conductor thingy on the bus roof.
That would be about erm, .... was it really that long ago?
Toucan was 1980's mate...I still have a Guiness sweatshirt with the toucan on somewhere.....The Pelican is definetly Guiness from a bygone age :-)
Oggy...The trolley bus (so Iam told) was put out of service around Woolwich in 1959. I really dont remember seeing them during my early childhood on the Milne
[cite]Posted By: TelinOz[/cite]Here is one from that advertising series[div class=Attachments id=Attachments_393919 noWrap=false][ul compact=false][div noWrap=false]GUIN1720-sign-B.jpg[/div][/ul][/div]
Well you learn something every day........I didn't know that!
I remember my Mum Taking me to Woolwich shopping and a trip across and back on the ferry as a very young kid and the Trolley bus coming detatched from the cable and getting stuck. Kin ell I'm getting old !!
I remember my Mum Taking me to Woolwich shopping and a trip across and back on the ferry as a very young kid
and the Trolley bus coming detatched from the cable and getting stuck.
Kin ell I'm getting old !!
4 days older than me, Nelse, you old git.
I remember your birthday from school, 100 years ago or thereabouts.
Oggy...The trolley bus (so Iam told) was put out of service around Woolwich in 1959. I really dont remember seeing them during my early childhood on the Milne
Cripes! 1959 was it, Tel - and I remember it? That's scary it's that long ago.
I was a very young boy back then, you understand ......!
PS: Do you remember the 1972 Eltham Well Hall train crash posted about on the previous page of this thread?
Anyone else remember it....?
Oggy...The trolley bus (so Iam told) was put out of service around Woolwich in 1959. I really dont remember seeing them during my early childhood on the Milne
Cripes! 1959 was it, Tel - and I remember it? That's scary it's that long ago.
I was averyyoung boy back then, you understand ......!
PS: Do you remember the 1972 Eltham Well Hall train crash posted about on the previous page of this thread?
Anyone else remember it....?
I was only 5, but I did use to play in the well hall pleasance next to it as a kid, and must have walked up and down that alleyway beside the railway line a thousand times in the summer holidays. I even remember using the old Eltham Well Hall station before they demolished it.
Yeah remeber it very well, My house backed on to the line just by Falconwood , then there was Eltham Park and then Eltham Well Hall on the line to London Bridge.
PS: Do you remember the 1972 Eltham Well Hall train crash posted about on the previous page of this thread?
Anyone else remember it....?
Yes I remember it really well. I was 12 (thought Id slip that in) My best mate Lee Deversons dad was the stationmaster at Welling and he was rushed up to Well Hall to help out with the crash. I seem to remember it shook him up a bit as well....I wonder if Lee (Dev) reads this? I know that a couple of others Pop Robson and Kenny do and still go to the Valley....Smithy.....Oi Olive you out there?
Just seen this thread....i used to live in the first house in Glenlea Road i remember the aftermath of the 1972 rail crash but was sound asleep in my bedroom at the back of house when it happened...my brother was in his bedroom at the front of the house and remembers hearing the train fly past our house and seconds later hearing a loud bang.
I used to love playing on the then large putting greens at Well Hall Pleasance,i used to run around in that place all day.
Before my time, lol - but bet my old Dad would be interested to see this.
Where's this D?
Looks like a pelican in the pub sign?
Before my time as well LOL
There's a page somewhere on there showing how bad the traffic in Greenwich was in the late 60s/ early 70s - just after the second tunnel and A102 had been opened. Nothing ever changes.
I worked at The Woolwich Equit there for a while in the 70's.
The ad's right, an'all.
The trolleybuses must have come off quite a bit later.
One of my earliest memories as a tiny kid was standing at Welling Corner and watching the trolley buses come from Welling High Street and turn into Upper Wickham Lane. And there was a mass of electric power supply wires supported overhead, that flashed occasionally with blue arcing from the power conductor thingy on the bus roof.
That would be about erm, .... was it really that long ago?
Oggy...The trolley bus (so Iam told) was put out of service around Woolwich in 1959. I really dont remember seeing them during my early childhood on the Milne
Well you learn something every day........I didn't know that!
I remember my Mum Taking me to Woolwich shopping and a trip across and back on the ferry as a very young kid
and the Trolley bus coming detatched from the cable and getting stuck.
Kin ell I'm getting old !!
4 days older than me, Nelse, you old git.
I remember your birthday from school, 100 years ago or thereabouts.
Cripes! 1959 was it, Tel - and I remember it? That's scary it's that long ago.
I was a very young boy back then, you understand ......!
PS: Do you remember the 1972 Eltham Well Hall train crash posted about on the previous page of this thread?
Anyone else remember it....?
I was only 5, but I did use to play in the well hall pleasance next to it as a kid, and must have walked up and down that alleyway beside the railway line a thousand times in the summer holidays. I even remember using the old Eltham Well Hall station before they demolished it.
And they call us Trainspotters !
Charlton life porn.
I used to love playing on the then large putting greens at Well Hall Pleasance,i used to run around in that place all day.