I have to stand up at my father in laws funeral tomorrow and speak. I generall have no problem speaking in public and am happy with what I wrote but I am absolutely shitting myself. I think mainly because I am speaking about memories other people had of him as well as a few anecdotes of my own.
any of you folks had to do this before? Any advice would be welcome as I suspect I will be wanting to hit the bottle by this time tomorrow.
Good luck
Can only agree with the lads. Just think of the good times.
Sometimes it works to focus on one person at the back of the room and just speak to them. Your voice will carry but it becomes more like 1 person telling the stories to 1 other rather than to a big group.
Didn't cope very well afterwards but I guess holding it all in to get through my bit had something to do with it.
Thanks for the advice
Didn't cope very well afterwards but I guess holding it all in to get through my bit had something to do with it.
Thanks for the advice[/quote]
Glad to hear you got through it okay.