I am trying to work out what those knobbly bits on his belly are. He should see a doctor that can't be good, they must be growths of some kind, probably best to whip them off with a scalpel.
Sorry Shag didn't read the your post. They had a huge poster of him up at Liverpool St looking sexy as hell. Walked straight into the bloke in front of me the first time I noticed it.
Huge posters of Woody Harrelson for Calvin Klein had a similar effect apparently in the US. Caused just a few accidents.
[cite]Posted By: Red Fraggle[/cite]Sorry Becks I don't like your pose. They had a huge poster of shag up at Liverpool St looking sexy as hell. Walked straight into the bloke in front of me the first time I noticed it.
Huge posters of Woody Harrelson for Calvin Klein had a similar effect apparently in the US. Caused just a few accidents.
Cheers love , as AFKA says , we'd better take it to whispers from here
lol oggy ... don't tell curbishley ... he is the real love of my life ... maybe a fling with beckham but i'd be home to alan for a nice steady enjoyable relationship!!
Red Fraggle was a female fraggle. The Fraggles might have not been on as much when you was a nipper. One of Jim Henson's, along with the Muppets and Labyrinth all quality.
Sorry Curb_It I've gone a bit off topic again. Your piccie brought a huge smile to my face. Cheers for that.
Could we have a rugby player next time and throw in one with cauliflower ears so I don't get accused of watching footie just for the fellas legs? Proper Would Ya iffy ears but huge shoulders and muscular thighs. Love watching rugby! Blushes and runs off.
[cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]lol oggy ... don't tell curbishley ... he is the real love of my life ... maybe a fling with beckham but i'd be home to alan for a nice steady enjoyable relationship!!
Yep agree, so long as they offered at least £1.57
I can see the Sun headline
"Becks gets rodded by a Dazzler"
Or something along those lines
"Becks takes all of SE7 and a Dazzler"
Obviously Curb_it and Red Fraggle.
And Shag, of course.........
and Suzi come to think of it.....Maria?
Huge posters of Woody Harrelson for Calvin Klein had a similar effect apparently in the US. Caused just a few accidents.
Cheers love , as AFKA says , we'd better take it to whispers from here
I still sometimes forget that you are female....
I look at your name and think "she doesn't sound like a man" does that make me sexist?
in a manly straight sort of way
That's what you said about Curbs, the last time.
We know what you mean.........*wink, wink, nudge, nudge - a nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat ...*
Thats my motto.
Red Fraggle was a female fraggle. The Fraggles might have not been on as much when you was a nipper. One of Jim Henson's, along with the Muppets and Labyrinth all quality.
Sorry Curb_It I've gone a bit off topic again. Your piccie brought a huge smile to my face. Cheers for that.
Could we have a rugby player next time and throw in one with cauliflower ears so I don't get accused of watching footie just for the fellas legs? Proper Would Ya iffy ears but huge shoulders and muscular thighs. Love watching rugby! Blushes and runs off.
Hell hath no fury like a manager scorned.
No worries, Ooh Aagh, your secret's safe with me.
Would ya Curb_it?
But who photoshopped their pants onto your torso, Shooters......?
It's a mystery.