always used PC's until the other halfs dad gave us his macbook when he upgraded , felt like I couldn't get on with it and almost saw it as a blessing when we had it stolen but now after being back with PC since the summer I've bought a macbook again and can't wait for it to arrive.
What are others preferences?
Anyway mac for me. More expensive true but some great software and a cool bit of gear and design. The iPhone ain't bad either ;-)
In the end whatever does the job you need it to do but next upgrade computer I go to will deffo be an apple.
I have a fantastic new Mac Mini here indoors now, and i have to say it is the tits. Never crashes, dont have to bother/worry about fire wall, rock on!!
a mini mac eh olls that sounds very cheeky
Have already got an ipod touch and am probably going to get an iphone next time they update them
Mac fancy dress
And I've worked with Windows for the last 10 years.... if I could have a Mac at work, I would.