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So how are you marking it?

Mr Weegie and I have just shared a bottle of champagne in the sunshine at the Mull of Kintyre and toasted 'A fresh start'.

Live, love, laugh (or cry) and be happy.


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    Curry and beer !
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    Me ? ...... I just shrug my shoulders. Seen it all before.

    The pendulum swings one way. And swings back again.

    It's ever been thus.


    Enjoy your Scottish sunshine, Mr & Mrs Weegie. It sounds idyllic.
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    I've spent the best part of the last hour in the khazi "having a bit of trouble" - as Frank Spencer might say.

    And just when I thought I'd seen enough of the brown stuff this year. Quite apt really.
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    Locking myseld in my room crying, whilst watching the Pride and Premiership DVD.
    Or just have some dinner and watch the telly. Haven't decided.
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    I've decided to watch "Three Colours Red" on dvd, it's either that or "Fear & Loathing in SE7".
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    Watching this on loop and looking forward to going back there in 12 months (to see who will be joining us after our automatic promotion)
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    i have the noose around my neck and i am looking for a beam to jump from
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    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]i have the noose around my neck and i am looking for a beam to jump from

    Try Jim Beam mate - safer.
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    just opened a nice bottle of red cooking a spag bol,to all my fella lifers CHARLTON TILL I DIE gotta say it hurts more than i thought it would
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    Mrs.M is away this weekend so picked up a bottle of Malt on the way home and once I've caught up here it's bottle-glass-glass=bottle in front of the telly and 'No Country For Old Men' DVD.
    I know drink isn't the answer but it sure do help sometimes!
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    Well It'll be a couple of pints of London Pride and avoid The Championship in the morning.

    I think it felt worse the last time we went down to Div 3.

    We'll be back as Oggy said 'pendulums swing back'
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    [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]just opened a nice bottle of red cooking a spag bol,to all my fella lifers CHARLTON TILL I DIE gotta say it hurts more than i thought it would

    I thought it might be like this. I hoped it wouldnt be. But it is.

    I will keep drinking and hopefully the pain will go away.

    But I am not sure what I will do in the morning.
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    edited April 2009
    I shit myself at my Ma's after the game. Went to fart and it wans't a fart, i had to borrow a pair of pants off of me little bro. Ma and Mrs MCS laughing their heads off, and me step dad just looking at me shaking his head. Texted Carter straight away, he laughed. Have photographic evidence, whisper me if anyone wants to see.

    Charlton till i die (or shit me pants)

    So basically marked me pants!
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    Ha ha thats made me smile for the first time today! So you literally did mark the occasion!
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    Yep, as i said whisper me for photo evidence.
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    Think Ill pass cheers all the same!
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    mcs just send it too me feckin brilliant
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    Here we go chaps. Enjoy!
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    your daughter has more control than you LOL
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    Not that much dude !!
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    Candidate for the grossest thread ever on CL!

    For the record - Dug out a bottle of Islay and I'm going to enjoy. Still hurts, even though we all knew it was inevitible.
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    yep and will get tearful after a couple more glasses
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    [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Candidate for the grossest thread ever on CL!

    For the record - Dug out a bottle of Islay and I'm going to enjoy. Still hurts, even though we all knew it was inevitible.

    Is that Islay stuff very peaty? I might go and dig out my Isle of Arran single malt.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Curry and beer ![/quote]
    and me mate, a group of us met in the liberal as usual about half 12 had a few beers cheered on the lads went back to the pub to watch the fa cup then just got home from a curry. It was a nice way to send the team of for the season, very much had a lump in my throat at the final whistle but hey that's football and we've had the good times, and it's now time to roll with the punches
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    edited April 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Imissthepeanutman[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Candidate for the grossest thread ever on CL!

    For the record - Dug out a bottle of Islay and I'm going to enjoy. Still hurts, even though we all knew it was inevitible.

    Is that Islay stuff very peaty? I might go and dig out my Isle of Arran single malt.

    Ooh yes and suddenly the world is a happier place!!!
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    edited April 2009
    [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Imissthepeanutman[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Candidate for the grossest thread ever on CL!

    For the record - Dug out a bottle of Islay and I'm going to enjoy. Still hurts, even though we all knew it was inevitible.

    Is that Islay stuff very peaty? I might go and dig out my Isle of Arran single malt.

    Ooh yes and suddenly the world is a happier place!!!

    Good shout. This could be a long night.
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    Consumed a large helping of oriental food washed down with several lagers. This is in complete contrast to happier times say, the play off final when I consumed a large helping of Indian food washed down with several lagers. No accidents downstairs at time of writing.

    If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same then you'll be a man my son. Or half pissed.
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    I came back in to look at that!! You're a ledge bro

    Off back out again now, I really don't wanna either
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    Been drinking since 3pm. Knew it was the day. Feels a lot worse than i thought.
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    edited April 2009
    MCS, that's not just verging on too much information, it's zoomed straight past and off towards the horizon.
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