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Premier League 2

edited April 2009 in General Charlton
Something we were pushing when we were in the Prem, so just as we go down to the thrid division they start thinking about it seriously


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    top four against it so will never happen, and only backed by 7 prem clubs..
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    When really big club gos down it will get support then
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    2 up 2 down between the two divisions, 1 up 1 down between prem 2 and div 3 - Sounds like franchise football to me.
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    Pile of shite.

    There is already a sub premier league within the premier league. The bottom half of the premier league is a waste of time as it is, crap football, overpaid players, disillusioned fans.Why extend what is a dysfuntional system into what is already one of the most successful leagues in the world? The Championship is the forth most watched league already.
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    What about the blimmin European league...then the big however many can bugger off and play Ajax for evermore, and leave football to the rest of us.
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    Only 1 club promoted from 3rd tier to 2nd - tough to get into and out of.
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    [cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]What about the blimmin European league...then the big however many can bugger off and play Ajax for evermore, and leave football to the rest of us.

    It will never happen unfortunately. if there were a league of say 16 teams not all of the European teams who are used to 1st to 4th finish in their domestic leagues would be able to finish at the top of the super league, this would then result in falling gates, support, merchandising and TV revenues. No top european team would want to run the risk of finishing bottom of the european league when they could be 1st in their weak domestic league.
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    Article also states that the Old Firm could be invited to join the Premier 2 which surely would be counter productive given the vast resources and the high profile they would be getting rid of the big four to level it out for the other clubs but then throwing in 2 big clubs with worldwide recognition who would then be able to draw in better players playing in england and the big 4 in prem 1 would turn into the big 6 within a decade.

    Not to mention the mayhem in every big city each time they come to town.

    Very much doubt the money men at the old firm would want to sacrifice what is generally guaranteed Champions league revenue each season either.
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    [cite]Posted By: Maglor[/cite]Only 1 club promoted from 3rd tier to 2nd - tough to get into and out of.

    I'd rather have zero promotion and relegation. That way the Football League can challenge the Premier League after 10-20 years shows its failings.

    I argued for this when the Premier League was founded. If we'd had no promotion and relegation for the last 17 years just think how far behind the rest would be behind the best. They'd be very little interest in the Premier League in my opinion. Meanwhile The Championship teams would be fighting for 'The Old Lady' and people would be questioning whether the 5th team in The Premiership is really better than the champions of The Championship. This would be brought even further into question in cup games especially when 3 teams from The Championship get to the semi-finals like last season.

    Finally if this had happened I don't see how The Premiership could have claimed European places. These were allocated to the football league. I have still never heard anyone explain how this was allowed to happen.
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