Oi Oggy,[cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite][cite]Posted By: nigel w[/cite]Octopus or jellyfish, you are ducking the issue - which is that you promised to show us your tentacles and you have failed to do so !
You wanna see my tentacles, do you Nige ...?
Hmmmmm ..... so maybe I'm not the deviant round here, after all ?
You see I've since split up with the Octopussy (instigator of all tentacly arrangements, and owner of said sought after snaps) and I've not even seen them myself.
She's probably sold them for Sick Squid.
To put it shortly
Where is our SouthWestern Friend ?
I miss his...........er..........................wit,humour.....
Hope he's okay.
Anyone know ?
Yep, I do, MoGGy ....... just got back at 7pm tonight from sojourning in the US of A.
Hence the occasional random post at 3am UK time.
Haven't slept for 24hours so what's the first thing I do when I get home ..... feed the cat, crack open a beer?
Nope, log on to Charlton Life.
How sad is that?
I'm not ashamed to say I've missed you mate.
Aw, thanks, MoG.
You're the only one who talks to me !
How was your trip to the US of A?
Daz, think he's fell asleep..........