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A Rant.

edited 2009 05 in Not Sports Related
Cheerfully turned up for work this moring after a couple of days off to find my clapped out computer missing, along with the screen and illiterate keyboard (see old thread for details of that). Also gone were desk, chair, 'phone and some shelf brackets: shelf itself was on the floor with some personal stuff out of the desk. Feared the worst, jobwise, but turns out some Admin types had moved in on Friday and "Their need was greater than yours, you're only a driver". So, then I lost it for a while (doesn't often happen: too old) ....."Eleven fecking years service and get treated like this"......and....."What about all those bloody 'be nice to people' bloody courses we have to go on, it's all cobblers"......and......various other comments on the state of the company's current management. It finished with me storming out saying "I'm taking another fecking day off!" Wonder if the job will have disappeared too, by tomorrow.Right, thanks for 'listening' folks, feel better now.


  • good on you..............i would have done the same thing myself.

    I was once relocated to an office which didn't have to space to house another 5 or so blokes and meant we had to perch at corner of desks etc. One day I came in to find no spare desks or chairs, so I promptly emptied my briefcas, sat down on the floor and worked in the middle of the office. After 10 mins of people (literally) tripping ove me the boss got the hint...........3 months later the office re-located to new premses in Kings Hil.
  • Thanks GA, if I'm still there I'll probably try doing that, though I'm out on the road quite bit . Worst thing is of course, I won't be able to keep up with the happenings on CL during the day!
  • you still have a job then?
  • Just about, thanks Chris. My manager's ignoring me but yesterday the other driver managed to scrape some odds and ends together for me so I'm not sitting on the floor but still looking for a desk to put me feet on! The matter might crop up if (and when) we get interviewed for our own jobs. It's taken time for the crunch to hit our dealership but business, sales and service, is dropping off badly! Thanks again.
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