So with (attending footie) over for a few months and summer coming ---dont look out the window ! what are people up to ? me i think its the garden, maybe a beer festival or two. maybe a night school class on sterio typing as im still mono at the moment !!!!
a mates wedding
maybe a new job
cracking unfunny gags,
slagging off posters from other clubs,
starting rumours about the Management,
starting rumours about signings,
starting rumours about takeovers
asking when my season ticket will arrive,
finding out about the CL summer drink up (there WILL be one, won't there?)
putting up my five songs with XXXXXXX,
and generally trying to forget last season.
Wimbledon and the Ashes.
As many movies as I can fit in, but including Terminator and Transformers II.
Playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, which has been sat on my shelf since Christmas (no spare time yet).
Some gigs.
Camps (Dorset)
Masturbation :P
Nathan you have put a thought in my head that didnt need to be there you d4rty little fecka ;-)
Cricket (playing..or trying to)
Beer festivals
Visiting my son in Wales
Now that sounds like a Summer!! ;-)
Where abouts are you going?
We are off to Turkey, (Belek) at the end of June - I want to be out of the country for my 30th this year....