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Anyone want a Kit Kat ?

Monday rant-ish

so i gues by now we are all sick of the hooo haaaa re PMs expences but how many times are we going to hear "i did nothing wrong"---"it was within the rule"--"iwas only following orders!". My old mate Red Ken said exactly that when millions of OUR pound notes went on tin pot projects with NO benefits to show for the tax payers. Well how about a MORAL law that these arseholes voted into to power by us have to use our money with OUT pissing it down a drain ?

n June 6th we are asked to go out and vote (EU and local councils) they struggle to get a 30% turn out usually. What damage these PONCES have done to the image of democracy in the UK is hard to say, but damage it they truely have. Although all parties are involved with their noses in the trough wasnt it Blair who told us New Labour would turn back the sleaze ?

A week back i had to see my accountant as there was a problem with my end of year Company accounts. I had made two mistakes and was short in Corperation Tax £2,700 and short in VAT payments £1,100-------- my mistakes i have to pay, thing was she says "this year you must give your expences far more thught--they are far to low " . So anyone want a Kit-Kat ?


  • After that rant i need a break - can i have a kit kat ;o)
  • kit kat please
  • So, basically, you've got the arris cos you got caught fiddling the tax man?
  • Don't mention kit kats to AFKA (esprcially mint ones!)
  • GH - Do you know what pisses me off? We cant put the MPs on a daily allowance because they fear that some would walk into the House sign their name and then go home - and we voted in this pack of cheating B*stards.
  • Leroy 100% wrong way round fella im pissed off that i didnt work the system like our shinning light MPs have and are ! my mistake was that i didnt.
  • [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]So, basically, you've got the arris cos you got caught fiddling the tax man?

    I think it's quite the opposite.

    It would appear his accountant is claiming he could have MORE expenses, thus lowering the tax to be paid.
  • Can't eat chocolate any more - Gives me a migraine.
  • [cite]Posted By: 1905[/cite]GH - Do you know what pisses me off? We cant put the MPs on a daily allowance because they fear that some would walk into the House sign their name and then go home - and we voted in this pack of cheating B*stards.

    Could they introduce a clocking in/out system whereby they only get their allowance if they're there a certain amount of time each day?
  • Just need to publish the actual hours of attendance when an election comes up, let the public decide who is worth their place on the gravy train and who isn't.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Leroy 100% wrong way round fella im pissed off that i didnt work the system like our shinning light MPs have and are ! my mistake was that i didnt.

    Take your expense form to your local MP, ask his/her advice on how to fill out correctly.
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