No doubt most of you Anoraks will get all the answers correct.
So i suggest you post (truthfully) how many you guessed and at what time. I got 29 and gave up with 56 secons to go. useless. And i forgot two current prem teams.
sorry if this has already been done. sink me if so.
guess all the prem teams
(BTW I would sink this but yours is already more popular than PBS'...)
We'll at least I'm not an anorak : - )
Even after reading Inspectors post i still missed one of them out!!
I knew I was missing 1 but couldnt work it out.
no,this one is much better. a very pathetic 36 for me.
Great quiz though, would had done better had I not been at work ;-)
that's 'cos i don't do cliques ;-)
i refer you t my previous response.
I'm no better...I'm embarrassed to admit that I forgot West Ham!