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MP`s Expenses - What realistic action can we take ?



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    [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]Are you willing to explain that ?

    No need. You said it all in your rant about terrorists with big families living on benefits and immigrants being chased by government agencies to see to their every whim.

    Shame as I thought the English equal representation with the Scots and Welsh was a sound idea and as a proud Englishman was considering voting ED but it had to be stuck on the end of the tired old (very very old) "they come over here and take our jobs and our homes and live on benefits" crap. Been said about every group of immigrants since as least the Huguenots.
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    Henry look up the EDP site and their constition, intresting stuff on it.

    "come over here and take our jobs" ---------doesnt mean it isnt true,its how we deal and cope with that. Over 90% of the recent imigration has come to England, why the hell have we not had help from the EU re schools,housing,NHS re the pressure this has caused ? If we had an English Parliament maybe they could have got the cash rather than a Government that cant even bring itself to say the word ENGLAND.
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]Are you willing to explain that ?

    No need. You said it all in your rant about terrorists with big families living on benefits and immigrants being chased by government agencies to see to their every whim.

    Shame as I thought the English equal representation with the Scots and Welsh was a sound idea and as a proud Englishman was considering voting ED but it had to be stuck on the end of the tired old (very very old) "they come over here and take our jobs and our homes and live on benefits" crap. Been said about every group of immigrants since as least the Huguenots.

    So i'm wrong then eh! There are no Islamic terrorists living among us! The country is not filling with immigrants from all over the world.!
    The worst recession in living memory = 2million unemployed + 2million unskilled so called asylum seekers = full employment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think so!
    There is no precedent in British history for the levels of immigration happening now.
    Oh! and it's not racist to want to see ones own country look after it's own and close the door on illegal immigrants, wherever they come from. I have not and will not select out any group based on their race, nationality or creed. No more immigrants should be allowed in untill we have complete control of who we let in.

    I'll tell you what's racist.
    It's when someone speaks up for England or wants to celebrate St George's day or complains about devolution, and is called a racist for wanting those things. Just as you have accused me!
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    edited June 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]Are you willing to explain that ?

    No need. You said it all in your rant about terrorists with big families living on benefits and immigrants being chased by government agencies to see to their every whim.

    Shame as I thought the English equal representation with the Scots and Welsh was a sound idea and as a proud Englishman was considering voting ED but it had to be stuck on the end of the tired old (very very old) "they come over here and take our jobs and our homes and live on benefits" crap. Been said about every group of immigrants since as least the Huguenots.

    So i'm wrong then eh! There are no Islamic terrorists living among us! The country is not filling with immigrants from all over the world.!
    The worst recession in living memory = 2million unemployed + 2million unskilled so called asylum seekers = full employment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think so!
    There is no precedent in British history for the levels of immigration happening now.
    Oh! and it's not racist to want to see ones own country look after it's own and close the door on illegal immigrants, wherever they come from. I have not and will not select out any group based on their race, nationality or creed. No more immigrants should be allowed in untill we have complete control of who we let in.

    I'll tell you what's racist.
    It's when someone speaks up for England or wants to celebrate St George's day or complains about devolution, and is called a racist for wanting those things. Just as you have accused me!


    I never said that speaking up for England was racist. You made that up.
    I never said that celebrating St Georges Day was Racist. You made that up as well.
    I never said complaining about devolution was racist. You made that up too.

    You make quite a lot of things up, don't you.

    The old, old rants about "immigrants" is just the same old lazy racist crap that we've been hearing from racist parties since the days of Mosley and the Blackshirts and before. Then it was the Jews, before that it was the Irish or the Hugenots. Then later it was the West Indians, Pakistani's and East African Asians. Now it is the "Muslims" and the "asylum seekers". Different words but same code for "people not like use".

    If what you said is your personal view and not that of the EDP then fine but you were the one to first use the word "racist" in this thread not me.

    Anyway, not voting for your party now and not going to believe the old, old lies no matter how much you try dress them up in new clothes.
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    henry just emailed the Top Boy in the EDP and told em you aint gona vote for em---------------there was lots of tears and wailing and stuff but they said they would just have to pull em selves together and carry on.

    better to believe the new lies though isnt it ? i mean its kept Labour and Tory in power for decade after decade !

    for me a large turn out is the main thing they have to be given a spanking that actually changes the way we are ALL treated.
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    My grandparents came over from poland as refugees/ asylum seekers after the russians took over their part of poland at the end of the war. Grandad worked as a crane driver all his life and nan as a factory worker and cleaner for all her working life. Both paid taxes and never claimed...they were from a different generation that wouldnt view it as proper unless they needed it. Ok they got a council house after years of living in a refugee style camp in crawley but i think thats offset by the amount of tax, council tax and NI they put into the system. Many other modern day immigrants have got the same story.

    However walking down borough high street today and getting asked for spare change by, a scot and then an eastern european chap and seeing the multi- cultural dole que outside the post office does hit a nerve. Fair enough if you are coming here to make a better life for yourself (as any of us would) and intend to contribute to the system that supports you while you get yourself sorted but to arrive and claim benefits (often running into tens of thousands), housing and other benefits without contributing anything and often scamming the system (a minority but it does happen) is pretty perverse and strikes a nerve with citizens of this country regardless of their ethnicity, background religion who are working hard and paying a lot into the system that does get abused.

    I find it equally annoying when members of the indigenous population sit on the dole and dont contribute.

    Whilst it is usually sensationalist journalism that highlights cases of a minority of wrong uns that are linked to al - quadea and are claiming heavily from the state that they purport to despise then that hypocricy also winds people up.
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    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]henry just emailed the Top Boy in the EDP and told em you aint gona vote for em
    there was lots of tears and wailing and stuff but they said they would just have to pull em selves together and carry on.

    better to believe the new lies though isnt it ? i mean its kept Labour and Tory in power for decade after decade !

    for me a large turn out is the main thing they have to be given a spanking that actually changes the way we are ALL treated.

    LOL, no I doubt any one at the EDP is that worried over my vote either way.

    Agree, that we need a large turn out and a protest vote which is why, as someone whose never been a supporter or member of any party, I was looking around for who to back.

    BNP are racists so never.

    Labour and Tories. As bad as each other.

    EDP - not now despite being English and celebrating St Georges Day every year since long before 1997. I'm also slightly concerned with their links with people like the English National party.

    Libs - Maybe on the basis that they have been calling for electoral reform for years and may actually try to bring it about where as Cameron and Brown will never bring in fixed term parliaments or proportional representation.
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    [cite]Posted By: RodneyCharltonTrotta[/cite]My grandparents came over from poland as refugees/ asylum seekers after the russians took over their part of poland at the end of the war. Grandad worked as a crane driver all his life and nan as a factory worker and cleaner for all her working life. Both paid taxes and never claimed...they were from a different generation that wouldnt view it as proper unless they needed it. Ok they got a council house after years of living in a refugee style camp in crawley but i think thats offset by the amount of tax, council tax and NI they put into the system. Many other modern day immigrants have got the same story.

    However walking down borough high street today and getting asked for spare change by, a scot and then an eastern european chap and seeing the multi- cultural dole que outside the post office does hit a nerve. Fair enough if you are coming here to make a better life for yourself (as any of us would) and intend to contribute to the system that supports you while you get yourself sorted but to arrive and claim benefits (often running into tens of thousands), housing and other benefits without contributing anything and often scamming the system (a minority but it does happen) is pretty perverse and strikes a nerve with citizens of this country regardless of their ethnicity, background religion who are working hard and paying a lot into the system that does get abused.

    I find it equally annoying when members of the indigenous population sit on the dole and dont contribute.

    Whilst it is usually sensationalist journalism that highlights cases of

    Very true and most people will find similar stories and family members who were once immigrants if they look back far enough.

    Totally wrong that SOME immigrants do scam the system just as you say some indigenous white people do.

    And I totally agree that a minority of wrong uns that are linked to al - quadea and are claiming heavily from the state that they purport to despise then that hypocricy also winds people up.

    It winds me up as well but I don't then blame all immigrants for the sins of a few just as I don;t think all English people should be blamed for the behaviour of say, drunks on the Costas.
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    edited June 2009
    Blimey we agree on something political Henry, must be the sun! ;-)

    I think where the frustration lies is that the majority of people in this country (even if dont neccesarily adhere to the increased political correctness of todays society) are not inherently racist or even racist at all. If that were the case the BNP would be in charge now as votes are secret and it would be academic.

    Where the frustration comes from i think is that hard working, tax payers get sick to the back teeth of hearing about the wrong uns and especially when it is the expense- fiddling, morally corrupt powers that govern us seemingly allowing it to happen.

    Ok good news doesnt sell and a lot of people will get their worldview on such issues based on tabloid soundbites, conversations with peers and generally our own experiences of being what feels like shafted by the system. This can i suppose manifest itself into a blanket view of the country being a soft touch and all immigrants being money grabbing scam merchants. Whilst that is obviously not the case it is a reality that a minority (significant or not) are facilitated by the government (who we have seen lately are so detached from the reality of the average Briton.) and out of sheer frustration at seeing such things the parties like Bnp and UKIP are seen as an option that would end this, albeit in an extreme way.

    Whilst I wouldnt vote for the BNP or UKIP as I dont like the inherent racist overtones, not that well hidden as you cant be non- white and be a member of the former these parties do seem to touch a nerve with the average man more than the two main parties whose vanity, arrogance and immorality has alienated the majority of a on the whole decent hard working population beyond reproach.
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    edited June 2009
    It is arguements like the above (valid or otherwise) that deflects us from achieving the possability of real change.

    NEW Statesman ------------Alan Bar-stard was a Tory during the Thatcher hatchet years. He treated the electorate with total contempt- riped off everyone. Little did we know that they where real Alan Bar-Stards on all sides of the H of C.
    The Tories started the spin using Satchi and Satchi--------they started stealth taxes. Labour has taken this to the Nth degree. Now no 1 believes there numbers.
    Develution dressed up as giving enpowerment to the people is an insult to every person in England. The arguement that giving the English a parliament will split the Union is sick beyond a joke.

    we need (IMO)

    *An elected House of Lords
    * The ability to sack our MP
    * The ability to make parties /PMs stick to manifesto`s or promises( Brown and the vote on Europe being and example).
    * PR now. They say it dosnt work , but neither does parties with large majorities.
    * More reforendoms (sic) give us more say in the running of this country.
    * either the end of the the Scots/Welsh and NI assemblies or give the people of England the same power.

    this has been a party election message on behalf of the Goonerhater Party !!!

    PS Mr Trotter i dnt think UKIP bare people on their race ?
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    Agree with that GH.

    Too many politicians appear nowdays to be career politicians and contantly adjust their "principles" to suit what ever sitution they face at the time. The non- commital answers on question time each week are beyond frustrating.

    Thatcher and Tony Benn two opposite sides of the spectrum so love them or hate em at least they had the balls to stand by their convictions whether it won them popularity or not or didnt fit in with the party line.

    Agree with your proposals and hopefully we will see some reform after the recent scandal...i wont hold my breath though.

    Need more true politicians who will live by the sword of their principles and die by it if necessary not career minded egotists who want to climb the greasy pole at whatever cost, afraid to make a mistake or say something wrong in case they have to resign, face a public inquiry before being pensioned off.

    If not then it's time to get the pitch forks out and start a revolution.... but will probably need a permit for that now and will need to be approved by a council comittee or vote.
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    Forgive my ignorance Gentlemen, but would I be correct in saying that, we in England are the only country to offer such financial assistance to anyone coming in to the country? For example if I went to say Rumania, would I be helped financially to settle into their country? Or would I be expected to show I have sufficent funds to support myself and any family I have with me? One thing I am certain about is you wouldn't get through the door in America or Australia, its hard enough getting in when your on holiday. As I said, forgive my ignorance but I know little about this subject so never comment on it.
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    [cite]Posted By: T.C.E[/cite]Forgive my ignorance Gentlemen, but would I be correct in saying that, we in England are the only country to offer such financial assistance to anyone coming in to the country? For example if I went to say Rumania, would I be helped financially to settle into their country? Or would I be expected to show I have sufficent funds to support myself and any family I have with me? One thing I am certain about is you wouldn't get through the door in America or Australia, its hard enough getting in when your on holiday. As I said, forgive my ignorance but I know little about this subject so never comment on it.

    Probably not. I lived in Saudi Arabia for 2 years and wasnt allowed to wear my crucifix in public, women couldnt drive and my mum had to clad herslef head to toe in an habaiya each time we left the compound (the last two being a good thing in my old man's eyes). Whilst I am proud to be from such a tolerant country as england a lot of other cultures and countries are certainly not as welcoming or tolerant and as you point out i would quite like to be on the dole on a Miami or Sydney beach but aint gonna happen.
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    There are some very important questions re imigration that seem cant be asked ---------------would the country fall apart if there was no imigration ? who says it will ? ----------- 2 million on the dole ------------3 million came in in the last 3 years ------------over 1 million illigals.
    So go back to Kensian economics of full employement -----------no imigration when we have people on the dole.
    HM Gove tell us they are deporting an illigal every 12 seconds , that means with no new ones coming in it will take about 20 years to deport em all ?????? but HM Gov dont tell you that.
    The only competative advantage that the new countries of the EU have is their cheap labour, therefore ask yourself why the EU wants to enlarge ?
    We should take people in when we have the jobs for them--------not because they are cheap.
    Asylum has not become the last place of the truely desperate, who need our shelter and protection ---------- but the abode of those cheating the system,and for the new industry of the human rights lawyers (spits in cornor). It should always be there but truely needs the cheats thrown out ASAP.
    The people who scream "racist" at everyone who dares bring up the issue of imigration do the Ultra Right a huge service.
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]Are you willing to explain that ?

    No need. You said it all in your rant about terrorists with big families living on benefits and immigrants being chased by government agencies to see to their every whim.

    Shame as I thought the English equal representation with the Scots and Welsh was a sound idea and as a proud Englishman was considering voting ED but it had to be stuck on the end of the tired old (very very old) "they come over here and take our jobs and our homes and live on benefits" crap. Been said about every group of immigrants since as least the Huguenots.

    So i'm wrong then eh! There are no Islamic terrorists living among us! The country is not filling with immigrants from all over the world.!
    The worst recession in living memory = 2million unemployed + 2million unskilled so called asylum seekers = full employment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think so!
    There is no precedent in British history for the levels of immigration happening now.
    Oh! and it's not racist to want to see ones own country look after it's own and close the door on illegal immigrants, wherever they come from. I have not and will not select out any group based on their race, nationality or creed. No more immigrants should be allowed in untill we have complete control of who we let in.

    I'll tell you what's racist.
    It's when someone speaks up for England or wants to celebrate St George's day or complains about devolution, and is called a racist for wanting those things. Just as you have accused me!


    I never said that speaking up for England was racist. You made that up.
    I never said that celebrating St Georges Day was Racist. You made that up as well.
    I never said complaining about devolution was racist. You made that up too.

    You make quite a lot of things up, don't you.

    The old, old rants about "immigrants" is just the same old lazy racist crap that we've been hearing from racist parties since the days of Mosley and the Blackshirts and before. Then it was the Jews, before that it was the Irish or the Hugenots. Then later it was the West Indians, Pakistani's and East African Asians. Now it is the "Muslims" and the "asylum seekers". Different words but same code for "people not like use".

    If what you said is your personal view and not that of the EDP then fine but you were the one to first use the word "racist" in this thread not me.

    Anyway, not voting for your party now and not going to believe the old, old lies no matter how much you try dress them up in new clothes.

    Actually Henry the first time i used the word 'racist' was to explain the ED's are non racist. But that didn't stop you inferring i'm a racist.
    You're not going to vote ED O/K i'll get over it!
    But what you accuse me of making up, is the truth. You know it is. But you're such a self righteous know-all Pinko you will never admit it. Uncontrolled immigration is doing immense damage to England. My party are willing to try and tackle it. We will never convince you, because of your left-wing leanings, i just hope enough will vote for us in the Euro's that we get a voice.
    Somehow we've got locked into an immigration debate, but we have more than that. Obviously we support a Parliament for England. We also support withdrawal from the EU. I don't suppose you agree with those ideals either, but there you go. You take your choice i'll take my mine.
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    [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]Uncontrolled immigration

    Are you sure you understand what uncontrolled immigration means ? Perhaps you should thank your lucky stars you were fortunate enough to have been born in this nation, which so, so many people around the world would kill to live in. Every nation has illegal immigrants, the highest number of illegal immigrants live in the poorest nations (I believe Ethiopia has one of the highest percentages).

    The fact of the matter is that immigration contributes so much more to the economy than it costs. Therefore with your "end immigration" plan the UK would be at a loss - so in answer to the "would the country fall apart if there was no imigration ? " - an emphatic yes (you also know our country wouldn't exist "if there was no imigration" right ? Or does that get in the way of your Aryan view of your English heritage ?)

    I also fail to see how you can compare giving the Scottish, Irish or Welsh their own parliaments and say England is missing out. For a start, for hundreds of years these nations were ruled over from Westminster, this is now just addressing that inbalance. There is a Parliament at Westmister which administers England and Wales and also legislates for Scotland and NI on reserved issues (immigration, funnily enough, is one example of a reserved issue). Therefore I fail to see what difference your "English Parliament" would make. All it does is give you a flag to wave in the faces of the deprived and say "look how badly you're being treated - it's because you're white". Unfortunately I fear some will believe you, but not enough to stop these English Democrats (who, lets face it are just the BNP re-dressed, BNP lite if you will) being some two bit party who will disappear in a couple of years.
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