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How many season tickets will we start the season with ?



  • and potential giant killing?

  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]The commercial centre does ring round non-renewals. I don't deal with it, so I don't know the timing.

    We are not anticipating 3,000 Wycombe fans. Their average last season was 465 so it seems unlikely.[/quote]

    OK, I was thinking they might bring more to a local-ish game just after promotion.

    Makes the walk up expected quite big then especially during the school holidays[/quote]

    I reckon they will bring 1,500 myself, but there are lots of variables in my estimate.
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]and potential giant killing?

    We wont win.
  • I'll hopefully be buying my second season ticket shortly - just been waiting for news on my house sale, which I've now got, so can start spending money again!!
  • I still need to get mine done haha
  • From the OS.

    Now over 9000 paid for sales.

    Come on Mr Big Stuff. Buy the club and put another 1-2k of sales on top of that

    With staff nearing the end of the exercise to post out season tickets to supporters, the club revealed on Monday that more than two thirds of season-ticket holders had so far renewed their seat for 2009/10.

    The club announced in early June that 7,625 applications had been processed by the commercial centre - and the total of paid-for sales has this week topped 9,000.

    The figure had reached 9,024 by Monday afternoon, providing further encouraging news for Charlton football club chairman Richard Murray as the Addicks gear up for their League One campaign.

    "The season is fast approaching, and this is further evidence that fans are right behind the club,” he said.

    With staff nearing the end of the exercise to post out season tickets to supporters, the club revealed on Tuesday that more than two thirds of season-ticket holders had so far renewed their seat for 2009/10

    "More applications are being processed every day, and it's great news considering that we want The Valley to be as full as possible next season.

    "There is still almost three weeks to go until the start of the season, so we are hoping staff will continue to be be busy in the run-up to the first match. We need as many season-ticket holders as possible, not least because a fuller stadium will help us generate a good atmosphere to help us to bounce back to the Championship at the first attempt.”

    Charlton had just over 15,000 season-ticket holders at the start of the 2008/09 campaign, a figure which included other tickets.

    But the latest 2009/10 figure available from the commercial centre solely comprises paid-for sales, and means the equivalent of more than two thirds of season-ticket holders have already renewed their seats.
  • providing further encouraging news for Charlton football club chairman Richard Murray as the Addicks gear up for their League One campaign.

    "The season is fast approaching, and this is further evidence that fans are right behind the club,” he said.

    imagine how much more 'we' could have been behind the Club if we'd have been given something to be positive about. Frankly I'm amazed that that many have renewed considering the current uncertainty, the state of the squad, League 1 football etc. Must be blind faith. I hope RM doesn't get too carried away with this '.......the fans are right behind the Club' because I don't think that is necessarily the case. Supporting the Club yes, right behind it ?
  • spot the spin..

  • Wonder how many and whether we will get todl how many season tickets we start with??

    Me and my arsenal loving little brother (but don't hold that against him) are gettin ours first thing sat (pay day)
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: scruffle[/cite]Wonder how many and whether we will get todl how many season tickets we start with??

    Me and my arsenal loving little brother (but don't hold that against him) are gettin ours first thing sat (pay day)

    I read somewhere this week we've sold 9024.

    Tavern's looking closest with 9131.
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  • The actual number of season to tickets sold is just shy of 10,000 apparently.
  • My guess was including the "others" so add 1800 to the 10k sold ; - )

    [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]The actual number of season to tickets sold is just shy of 10,000 apparently.

    Would be great to reach target 10,000 by Saturday. Free ST to the 10,000th buyer.
  • Spoke to someone at the ticket office on monday, ST sales were just over 10K, very encouraging!
  • Heard it was just over 9k paid for season tickets, if we get 10k paid for season tickets it will be a very impressive total, and probably average out at about two and a half million pounds, if true the trick is to run the whole kit and caboodle for £2.5 mil.
  • Did you renew yours in the end Seth, if you don't mind me asking?
  • God knows why.
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]Heard it was just over 9k paid for season tickets, if we get 10k paid for season tickets it will be a very impressive total, and probably average out at about two and a half million pounds, if true the trick is to run the whole kit and caboodle for £2.5 mil.

    Plus match day sales sponsorship, C & B income, TV money, advertising, player sales (Hudson, McGinty, Gray?) but the point is valid. Get a balanced budget or a very rich new owner or both
  • S/T sales now approaching 9500 according to O/S.
  • So 9,500 plus the 1,450 "others" makes 10,950.

    Who got closest?
  • edited August 2009
    QUOTE Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]Heard it was just over 9k paid for season tickets, if we get 10k paid for season tickets it will be a very impressive total, and probably average out at about two and a half million pounds, if true the trick is to run the whole kit and caboodle for £2.5 mil.[/quote]

    Plus match day sales sponsorship, C & B income, TV money, advertising, player sales (Hudson, McGinty, Gray?) but the point is valid. Get a balanced budget or a very rich new owner or both. END OF QUOTE

    Yes, extras from player sales and so on are a bonus, and a sale theoretically will pay for a subsequent purchase...however I think the fundamental relationship between paying spectators, and the running costs for the year is the least variable business relationship and should form the cornerstone of the financial structure.
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  • [cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]QUOTE Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]Heard it was just over 9k paid for season tickets, if we get 10k paid for season tickets it will be a very impressive total, and probably average out at about two and a half million pounds, if true the trick is to run the whole kit and caboodle for £2.5 mil.

    Plus match day sales sponsorship, C & B income, TV money, advertising, player sales (Hudson, McGinty, Gray?) but the point is valid. Get a balanced budget or a very rich new owner or both. END OF QUOTE

    Yes, extras from player sales and so on are a bonus, and a sale theoretically will pay for a subsequent purchase...however I think the fundamental relationship between paying spectators, and the running costs for the year is the least variable business relationship and should form the cornerstone of the financial structure.

    Disagree completely.

    Income is income.

    Paying spectators are a variable income just like in any business. Other business income which isn't so reliant on the performances on the pitch can only be good.

    Selling players and relying on this is a risky strategy but Crewe did well out of it and Cardiff have a similar policy of selling a player every year to cover their £5m overspend.
  • I am suggesting we don't 'rely' on selling players, and I also suggested that paying spectators are the fundamental relationship, I agree that attendances vary with the degree of success but are a more stable measurement as to the voracity of the enterprise. It would be dangerous to rely on uncertain income such as lanera or setanta for example, and income from some sources should be seen as a bonus, and perhaps be used for bonus-style activities.
  • My prediction of a 15,000 crowd tomorrow - made on July 9th - is looking good very good . . .

    Wycombe have sold 600 in advance.

    Paid season tickets are 9,600.
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]My prediction of a 15,000 crowd tomorrow - made on July 9th - is looking good very good . . .

    Wycombe have sold 600 in advance.

    Paid season tickets are 9,600.

    Go on then, name them!
  • Ticket office have said that over 10 000 season tickets have been bought x
  • Ten thousand legit paid for season tickets is very impressive when you consider our dire recent experiences, probably averages out at just under three million pounds in cash money, if we get another million as part of Michael Turner moving on, and the million from the Hudson deal thats five million working suggests the slash and burn needed won't cut so deep at the moment, it acts as an incentive for prospective buyers, and especially means that in my view at least, Phil parkinson will be left with a squad that if it is well managed, ought to manage to challenge strongly at the very very least. Of course the Turner deal is only a hope at this stage.
  • [cite]Posted By: Charlieee[/cite]Ticket office have said that over 10 000 season tickets have been bought x

    Ticket office is wrong then . . .

    The number of paid sales is about 9,600, the difference is made up of tickets that are issued to staff, directors, etc. I know I am being pedantic, but either we count sold tickets or we set off on a magical mystery tour that eventually includes empty seats in the press gantry, among other things.

    As it happens, I think we will sell 10,000 STs but we haven't yet.
  • Does this mean we have 400 staff and directors......?
  • Anyone (Airman?) know how the figures look now?

    Five wins, some long queues plus keeping the better players might have convinced a few more.

    And any news on the "I'm not renewing while Parky is here" people?
  • [cite]Posted By: Solidgone[/cite]Does this mean we have 400 staff and directors......?
    Sponsors, community schemes, other people connected to the club.
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