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Benefit Busters

Did anybody see this programme this evening?

I only caught part of it. However I thought the attitude of the various officials was dreadful towards the "clients" and I am probably perceived as nearly as right wing as BFR or Henry :-0

If people are swinging the lead then fair dos chuck the book at them but many of the people featured appeared genuinely sick and these officials and alleged charity workers had little or no compassion for them in my opinion.


  • My wife (total sick days in the past ten years somewhere between 3 and 5 - probably a record for a civil servant) went to our GP last year with a multitude of small problems that had mounted up (probably because she hadn't been to the doctor's about them, LOL) and were basically making it impossible for her to do anything at work. The doctor refused to sign her off sick and accused her of just trying to get time off work. A lazy fat slag she works with had an average of something like 20 days a year off sick for the three years she 'worked' with her. Same GP.

    The whole system (all of it - every single aspect) - is absolutely, unutterably, irreperably f***ed
  • That 20 year old lad should of been working, such a depressing programme though.

    Almost as bad as our takeover thread :)
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