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Schools?!? So many to choose from....

edited 2009 01 in Not Sports Related
Well it's finally started. My eldest has just done his 11+ and we're off round the schools.

Tonight was Northfleet Technology College. The school was typical of the design I remember and loved so much! BUT this wasn't the school they would be going to, behind the old buildings is a brand new building, which will be ready in September next year, when Alex starts.

Loads more to do, have an idea of where I want him to go, but it's down to whether he passes the 11+ or not.

Anyone else doing the rounds and finding it's doing your head in?


  • Things to check:
    The state of the toilets.
    The amount of chewing gum stuck to things, especially carpets.
    Ceilings and ceiling tiles, and window catches.Teachers offices (if they're a mess good, anally tidy bad).
    Teachers who sit/stand around 'displays' and tarted up classrooms waiting to answer your questions, compared with teachers who are pro-active in engaging you in stuff, and overtly interacting with the volunteer 'nice' kids who turn up to help out.
    Watch for fancy films usually heavily featuring the headteacher, and never go for a school that uses 'proud' as the theme tune.
    ....and thats all for starters
  • Results are less important than the feel you and your son have for the place I think.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: aliwibble[/cite]Results are less important than the feel you and your son have for the place I think.[/quote]

    Ditto that, my boy is at Harris (Westwood) and loves it (probably the fact that he is home within 2 1/2 minutes!)
  • Yes, doing the rounds in Bromley which has lots of good schools.

    Ravens Wood seems top pick at the moment. Joe said "I could fit in here". Very sporty and very good academically but pastoral care and support also excellent. Only problem is entry is on proximity. 3 years ago it was 2.7 miles, 2 years ago it was 2.6 miles, last year it was 2.5 miles. We live just under 2.4 miles away so it could be very close.

    Went to Bishop Justus which was good and Joe liked but very Christian which is a big turn off for me. Brand new and fantastic facilities. Has it's own recording studio.

    Off to Ravensbourne next week which was "outstanding" according to OFSTED and is closest.

    Know what you mean about how you feel about the school. Would be happy with any of them but Ravenswood seems a better fit for Joe as I don't think they will let him drift (unlike his mum and dad did at School) and he liked it.
  • Guess why I don't have kids...

    Best of luck BDL!
  • Going to my old school on Wednesday with Ian's daughter. I cant wait to go round the old place and have trip down memory lane.
  • John Pinaar went to Ravenswood
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]Going to my old school on Wednesday with Ian's daughter. I cant wait to go round the old place and have trip down memory lane.

    i was very impressed with it when i went there last year with my daughter.
  • Really? My cousins kids are going through there at the moment and doing well but we are really really hoping she gets into St Thomas More in Eltham, she's an Eltham girl anyway so should do as she attends all the right things to get in.
  • So many to choose from and have been to the following with my daughter.

    St Thomas moore
    Thomas tallis
    St Thomas Academy
    St Pauls Academy
    John Roan
    Elthem Green
    St. Ursula's

    All seem okay.
  • Sponsored links:

  • My daughter started school a month ago, and we got called in on Wednesday to attend an assembly where she was presented with an award for good behaviour in front of the whole school.

    I said to my wife, 4 weeks & she has already achieved more than i ever did in 16+ years in that respect.

    The only time I ever stood in front of the school assembly was in a line-up of shame, for a bunch of us caught chucking crab-apples at the maths teacher's car :(
  • eltham green okay badger? You sure?
  • The concensus of opinion at School toay was that Northflet TC was to be avoided.

    St. George's tomorrow, and we've heard only bad things about that place!

    I know what school I want Alex to go to, it all depends on his 11+. We don't find out until the 18th. 2 weeks to go.
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