The Ahmedabad test rushing to a conclusion on a wholly unacceptable pitch, neither side can bat on it, which serves nobody well, least of all BCCI who have pissed away 2 or 3 days ticket money Have to keep turning it down when the shrieking ninny Pietersen 'contributes' his "love me, love me everybody I was brilliant at this game, please love me, ple-eease."
as it turns only listening for a couple of hours while Captain Cretin's circus of chaos piss it away at a preposterous rate.
Have to find something else to accompany this afternoon's travails...
Featuring the splendid Gail Something-Else
Releasing 12 of these as an album next week, good mix from the boy Gedge's last thirty five years
MEUTE - You and Me
Faul & Wad Ad - Changes
Have to keep turning it down when the shrieking ninny Pietersen 'contributes' his "love me, love me everybody I was brilliant at this game, please love me, ple-eease."
as it turns only listening for a couple of hours while Captain Cretin's circus of chaos piss it away at a preposterous rate.
Have to find something else to accompany this afternoon's travails...
This student union price list was put up on FB so I have a few obscure very cheap 70's bands to listen to.