Probably just me but;
A guy get stabbed, possibly ending his career, the Police arrest 2 people & He gets charged with Assault ?
Again, What The F...........
[cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Probably just me but;
A guy get stabbed, possibly ending his career, the Police arrest 2 people &Hegets charged with Assault ?
Again, What The F...........
[cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Would have never happened in the good old days when West Ham had players like Trevor Morley or Ian Bishop.
Definitely not ... and yet I seem to recall some kind of incident when Morley's wife turned up ... and they were together ... allegedly ... nahhh, obviously my imagination ;-)
[cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Would have never happened in the good old days when West Ham had players like Trevor Morley or Ian Bishop.
Definitely not ... and yet I seem to recall some kind of incident when Morley's wife turned up ... and they were together ... allegedly ... nahhh, obviously my imagination ;-)
How could you make up such nonsense?
All West Ham players are role models. Just look at Mark Ward.
[cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Would have never happened in the good old days when West Ham had players like Trevor Morley or Ian Bishop.
Definitely not ... and yet I seem to recall some kind of incident when Morley's wife turned up ... and they were together ... allegedly ... nahhh, obviously my imagination ;-)
How could you make up such nonsense?
All West Ham players are role models. Just look at Mark Ward.
obviously far more to this than we first understood!
Her fella stabbed him during the ruckus.
Just because he came off worst, doesnt mean he shouldnt be charged with anything.
He allegedly knew his assailant so it may not be straightforward.
A guy get stabbed, possibly ending his career, the Police arrest 2 people & He gets charged with Assault ?
Again, What The F...........
Definitely not ... and yet I seem to recall some kind of incident when Morley's wife turned up ... and they were together ... allegedly ... nahhh, obviously my imagination ;-)
How could you make up such nonsense?
All West Ham players are role models. Just look at Mark Ward.
... and they won the world cup
Just released this year I think
yes, but model prisoner I'm sure.
Wasn't their captain in the 60s a shoplifter too? : -)
But he redeemed himself by winning the world cup with WestHam as already noted.
Anyone that was overseas, you know, Johnny Foreigner and all that.