Just something that has made me laugh throughout this season so far is reading the Football League Paper today i see the attendances average at about 7,000 and nthen you have Leeds at 24,000 i mean i understan why it just makes me laugh that when us Norwich and Saints play away and leeds at home you have most attendances averageing about 7,000 and then Leeds 20's and up lol its well funny.
What made you say that? ;-)
lol percentage of ground filled
makes sense i spose it doesn't take much to fill the Withdean am a little shocked they are above us and a few others seeing as they have not ahd the best season.
Most if not all i would suggest
That's why they should stay down, as a contribution to smll club incomes.
Apart from Millwall who's highest crowd was their cup final against us.
Really shocking effort Millwall.
Smartest thing on this thread apart from Johnnys comment about me on the sauce :-)
i lol'd
dont make excuses only reason majority of your fans turn up is for a scrap or looking for a scrap, us, leeds & gillingham from what i hear although dont get the gillingham part
Haha i dont get the Gillingham part either. I have found this season were ever i have been and asked about attendedces i.e. who there fans have turn out in big numbers for this season most teams have put Gills into the mix i find thats strange. I thought the only team they had any problems with were Swindon although i forget the reasons why.
Eh? What on earth are you on about? Excuses for what? Why are you talking about fighting?
You don't sell tickets for the Jimmy Seed stand to home fans, so why should your attendance against Stockport (if say they brought 500 fans) be a reduced % purely because Stockport don't travel?
My point is your percentage of support should be on how many home seats are available, not total capacity. That would show a better reflection of home support.